14. Staying in a hospital bed

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Noah needs to stay in the hospital because of a serious head injury and a broken rib. He's parents didn't even care enough to come and visit him. He's says his doing great but I know the look in his eyes, the pain that he felt I can't help but see myself in him, I have been were he is now. The sadness the worry, it's not something you should hide under a smile.

"Hey Noah, are you really doing okay?"

"Yeah why would you ask that?" he asked me.

"I just want to make sure", I said with a smile on my face.

"Listen, Mia, I'm really sorry for getting you into my problems, I should never have told Tyler we are friends, I must have know that he would try and hurt you", he said with sadness in his eyes.

"Noah a friendship isn't something you are suppose to hide, we support each other during good and bad times, that's what friends are for, at least you know that I will support you no matter what happens."

Noah gave me a soft hug to thank me for helping him.

"I promise I will give you a better hug once my broken ribs heal", he said laughing.

I got a phone call, my mom and dad told me to get home right away. I started to panic. Nobody told me anything about Tyler and I'm afraid of what my parents would say when I get home but when I enter the living room both of them came running to me and stop to look at my face. I had completely forgotten about my face being messed up because of Tyler punches. It must look terrible at the moment. Mom and dad both gave me a hug.

"We saw the video on Instagram of your school fight, Tyler is okay honey, I know you must have been really worried when you saw him lying unconsciously on the ground." mom said,

I basically started crying of happiness when mom said Tyler was okay.

"Are you mad at me for fighting back?"

"No sweetheart it was clear that Tyler started the fight, we already told the school that you and your friend Noah will be working from home, the school said Noah's parents doesn't really care much and he lives on his own, maby you could ask him if he wants to come and stay with us for a little while just until he finish school the end of the year", dad said with a big smile on his face.

"That would be great, I'm actually just going to take a shower and jump into some new clothes before I go and visit him, I will ask him tonight."

"Before you go, since it's almost your birthday we would like to give you your birthday gift", mom said with a really big smile on her face.

Mom gave me a little wooden box. When I opened it I found a key and I gave both of them a look and a big smile.

"Follow me", dad said. And I decided to follow him until we reached the garage door. When dad opened the door I saw my dream car...a purple Mini Cooper. I jumped with excitement.

"Thank you so much!" I said with happy tears.

♡♡At the hospital...♡♡

When I got to Noah's room he was fast asleep. I didn't want to wake him up so I ended up sitting next to him until he finally woke up.

"How long have you been here?" Noah asked.

"Hey Noah, it hasn't been that long but I need to ask you something really important."

"And what will that be?"

" Well since you are staying on your own my parents thought maby you would like to stay with us, you know since Tyler is being a jerk they thought that maby it would be saver."

I waited for his awnser and didn't know what to expect, he could be mad at me for talking to my parents about him or he would say yes and enjoy having a new family at least for a year.



Heyyy guys...

Do you think Noah will end up staying with Mia or not? Will his awnser be yes or no?

Find out in the next chapter of The champ and the nerd.

PS. Remember to vote and comment

Love you all.❤

Bye bye...


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