22. One week

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♡Gossip session with Lily♡

Since I'm designing my own prom dress, Lily offered to help me make it because she would like to be a dress maker when she graduates from school.  I think she would do well seeing that she really enjoys making dresses. We were on our way to the fabric shop when Lily suddenly remebered my date with Noah.

"Well you are in an extremelly good mood today...I guess it has something to do with Noah or is it because you
can go on a shopping spree today.

"No, it's Noah, he kissed me, well we kissed."

"I can't believe it, Noah actually kissed you. I didn't think he had it in him" Lily said laughing.

"Yeah me neither, turns out he's really good at it."

"Tell me more!" Lily said with excitment in her eyes.

"Well there's not much to tell, we watched the stars, ate some sandwiches, tried to drink red wine which by the way taste terrible and then he dropped me at home and we said goodbye."

"He didn't even give you a goodbye kiss and by the way I like red wine!" Lily said with dissapointment covering her face.

"You surely are the only person I know who likes to drink expired grape juice."

"Or I'm the only person with good taste." Lily said and both of us started to laugh.

♡ Inside the fabric shop♡

"I think you would look amazing in a pink dress!" Lily said showing me a glittery pink colour fabric."

"I don't think so but you should try it" I said with a smile on my face.

"What about a black? It's totally your colour, no one would be able to keep their eyes away from you." Lily asked with  her serious face.

When she has her serious face on, you know she has an idea. Lily immediately ran to the black fabric and bought a bunch of it. She's extremely excited to make me a dress.

"Okay don't turn around now but Rebecca, Tylers girl Rebecca, the evil cheerleading queen Rebecca, she's behind you." Lily said with excitement in her eyes.

Obviously I couldn't help but turn around and look Rebecca dead in the eye.

"I see you found yourself some maroon fabric, to bad you won't be looking as good as me in it!" Rebecca said and she and her barbies started to laugh.

"Actually she designed her own dress and I'm going to make it for her so she's propably going to look ten times better than you and your fake friends but If you could please excuse us, we have work to do and places to be and you're blocking our way to the door" Lily said bravely and confident, while shoving them out of our way

After Lily gave Rebecca a piece of her mind I couldn't  help but laugh as we exit the fabric shop. We immediately went home and Lily started working on my prom dress. Aparently she has already finished her prom dress and it's her favourite colour...pink.

Unfortunately I had to leave because I had a training session with Tyler.

♡At the gym...♡

Slowely but surely time started to pass by, which usually doesn't happen fast when I'm training Tyler.

"100 more burpies then you're good for today!"

"Ugh...why 100 can't I just do like 10!" Tyler complained.

"Oh so you're lazy now, make that 150!"

"No I don't think so, I'm done training." Tyler said.

"No you're not you said you are good enough to be a champion but you still don't seem good enough to be one if you can't even finish a training session, I'M TIRED OF YOU WASTING MY TIME, I also have a life you know!" I yelled at him with anger in my eyes.

"Has anyone ever told you you look extremely cute when you're angry?" he asked me.

He walked closer to me looking me in the eyes and kissed me on the lips. I stood there shocked, I didn't know what to do.  I surely didn't expect that to happen.

"Mia...?" I heard a shaking voice saying my name.

"Noa- ...before I could say his name he was already out of the door busy running, I tried to run after him but he must have been training with the cross country team because he was far gone when I tried to find him."

After what just happend I ran to the gym. I couldn't even look at Tyler. He had this face which tells me he knew exactly that Noah was coming.

I just  took my keys and drove until I found myself in the middle of nowhere with a bottle of terrible red wine in my left hand and a chocolate in the other crying both my eyes out and falling asleep under the stormy night sky.


Hey guys...❤🤗

Things went from good to bad really fast.

Do you think Noah would forgive Mia for not pushing Tyler away when he kissed her?

Would Noah still like Mia to be his prom date?

Let me know what you think in the comments 🤗


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