New Year's Day

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January 1, 2015
Dear Diary,
Today turned out to be a fun day. At first we were going to go cross country skiing as a family, but we were all too tired. So instead we just ended up going into Waterton, We were planning on inviting friends, but I'm happy no one could come, because my family had a lot of fun. It would have been fun too if Mike's family could of come.
We climbed Cameron falls, and ate chips and dip at one of the cabins by the lake. It was so cold! The wind was blowing, and it was snowing, but my siblings still wanted to take pictures. So we went out onto the rocks, and took some pictures of the mountains and the lake. It is so beautiful in Waterton. The rocks in the water looked like mushrooms, because only the part of the rock that wasn't being touched by water was frozen.
After we got home from Waterton, my family decided to watch Divergent, because my brother that just got off his mission hadn't seen it yet. I'm such a softy. I cried while watching it, and this wasn't the first time I've seen it!
Mike lately has been super weird. He's been talking with me about being sixteen. He has asked me twice in the last week if I want to go on a date with him when I'm sixteen. I'm so sick of him right now. When he was texting me earlier, I told him his girlfriend will be a lucky girl. And he said that he hopes that it will be me.
He is being so needy. I just don't want to hurt his feelings. When I come out and tell him stuff, he gets offended and hurt. But when I wait to tell him stuff, he tells me that he's not soft, and that he can handle these things. I just don't know what to do. I want to be his friend, but it's getting super weird.
The last thing he told me, is he is giving up on trying to get me to like him back, and he's going to try and move on. I don't completely understand what he's trying to say to me.
Good night Diary,
~ Joy

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