Last Day of Finals

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January 27, 2015
Dear Diary,
Today was my last day of mid terms. I took my LA test. I don't get to find out how I did until next Monday. It's really going to kill me!
After the exams I waited around for Mike and his friend to be finished. Syd finished pretty much right after me, so I walked around with him for a while and just talked. It was really nice talking to him, because we haven't hung out in a while! Well we did hang out on Monday, but it was different because Mike and another guy were there too. So I didn't really get to talk to him.
After Mike finished his test, him, Syd, Patrick and I talked about hanging out. Syd and Patrick already had plans, so they stuck to theirs and hung out, and Mike, Cade, (Mike's friend) Dawn and I hung out at Cade's house.
At his house all we did is play Call of Duty and Grand Theft Auto. I watched the whole time, because I suck at video games, but the rest of them took turns. During it, my ankle really started bugging, so Mike offered to give me an ankle message. He did pretty good for his first time. But it was super awkward, so I'm probably not going to let him do it again.
After a while Dawn and Cade played a game of pool while I started watching Just Go With It. That movies so inappropriate, but super funny! Dawn had to leave halfway through it, so it was just me and the two guys. The movies a funny chic flick. So some of the things I laughed at, they kind of just sat there smiling awkwardly. After finishing the movie we had waffles for dinner.
At around 7, I went to my young women's activity, and Mike went to his young men's activity. Tonight it was New Beginnings. I got put in charge of talking about the value Choice and Accountability. I didn't know what to say, so I ended up winging, and it turned out pretty good.
After young women's, I went home and started to draw. As I was drawing, I started to think about Syd and relationships. I'm beginning to think that I kind of like Mike, but it could just be a phase. I just haven't hung out with Syd for a while, and the only guy that's been talking to me lately is Mike. I just need to hang out with Syd, and I think I won't like Mike in that way anymore. Syd is everything I could ask for in a guy. Too bad we aren't sixteen yet.
Next year, I plan on asking Syd out on a date for his birthday. I want to make him dinner, and we can watch a movie or something like that.
Good night Diary,
~ Joy

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