Part 1

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"Good morning love," New whispered as he kissed Tay's forehead. He smiled as he watched his boyfriend sleeping peacefully. It has been five years and his heart still skips a beat when he looks at his face.

After a while, he slowly stood up and walked to the bathroom to brush his teeth.

"Another day, another challenge," he thought as he made a mental rundown of the things he had to deal with that day.

Like he always did on a daily basis, he spent the first hour of the morning in the kitchen preparing breakfast and a packed lunch for him and Tay. He still finds it funny how Tay, now the vice-president for sales and marketing in their massive family corporation, still brings a packed lunch for work.

New loved doing it. He enjoyed planning their meals for the entire week and making sure that Tay always had a healthy lunch every day. Dinner was an entirely different thing though.

He and Tay had entirely different worlds and eating breakfast together had become their tradition since they're both at work during lunch and both rarely get home at the same time in the evening.

Most of the time, Tay had to work late in his office and New also frequently had unplanned activities for his café after dinner.

When he saw the clock strike 6:30am, he decided to wake Tay up. It was a Monday and he knew Tay should be at the office before 8am. Although their condo was in the midst of the Makati business district, traffic was still unpredictable.

"What time is it?" Tay asked groggily upon opening his eyes.

"It's 6:30am. Come on. Let's have breakfast," New said.

"What?!" Tay exclaimed before quickly rising and rushing to the bathroom.

"I totally forgot I have to be in our Quezon City office today for a meeting with our marketing team. It's for a new condo project in Bulacan!"

"Oh," New said. He was used to Tay being forgetful. He just grinned and walked back to the kitchen.

He began eating because he knew Tay won't be able to join him for breakfast. After just a few bites, he began preparing a sandwich for Tay. He also poured some coffee into a tumbler.

Tay was almost out of breath when he finally joined New in the kitchen.

He hugged New from behind and kissed him on the neck.

"Good morning, love. Sorry I won't be able to eat breakfast with you today," he said.

New turned around and gave him a peck on the lips.

"It's okay. Here," he said while handing Tay his lunch box and a paper bag. "There's your lunch and I also prepared a sandwich and coffee for you to have later. You can't go to work on an empty stomach."

Tay ignored the things New was handing to him. Instead, he held his face and kissed him passionately.

"You're the best boyfriend in the world, love," he said after.

New rolled his eyes. "Whatever. Just go. And drive carefully. Text me when you get to your office, okay?"

"Sure love," Tay answered as he headed out the door.


"Where's my coffee?" Bright shouted at his secretary. He had just arrived at his office in the city hall that morning and he wasn't in a good mood.

"I'm sorry Mayor. The Starbucks at the corner is undergoing renovation," his secretary, Martha, replied.

"Oh, so I have to go find another Starbucks store myself? Is there only one Starbucks in this entire city, Martha?" Bright hissed.

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