Part 20

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Bright had to use his feet to knock on Win's dorm room that morning since he was holding a bucket of chicken wings, a bouquet of flowers and three rolls of posters. He ignored the weird look from the receptionist earlier when he said he was visiting Win. The man probably wondered why a guy would be bringing another guy flowers

"Who is it?" Bright heard Win ask from inside.

He was about to answer when Win opened the door.

"Oh," Win muttered upon seeing Bright and his presents. He didn't know whether to smile at him or slam the door in his face.

"Can I come in?" Bright asked, his hands tired from holding all the stuff he brought.

Win just nodded, his face still blank while opening the door wider to let Bright in.

"Thanks," Bright said, walking straight to the table to put down the things he was holding. He stretched his arms after, which caught Win's attention.

"Have you been waiting outside for too long?" he asked.

"Uhm, sort of. I was afraid I'd wake you up. After all, it's only 6am."

Win shrugged. "So what are those? Your gifts for Gulf?"

He then turned his back to Bright and faced the counter. He slowly poured himself a glass of milk just so he had an excuse not to look at Bright.

Bright noticed this so he took a deep breath and rushed to hug Win from behind.

"I'm sorry about yesterday, Win," he said as he wrapped his arms around Win's waist. "It wasn't a date at all. I don't know what Gulf was thinking when he said it was a date. But it's over now. He won't likely bother me again. I've told him that I'm already in love with someone else and the only thing I could offer him is friendship."

Win didn't respond so Bright placed his chin on his shoulder.

"I was thinking of you the whole time so I tried to dismiss Gulf as fast as I can, without being rude of course. I wanted to run after you but then an emergency meeting came up right after Gulf left and it lasted up until 6pm. By that time, I knew you were already in another class. I'm sorry."

Win bit his lips. Actually, he was ashamed of his reaction yesterday. He had no right to be affected like that since he was the one who told Bright that he wanted to just be friends in the meantime. Nonetheless, he felt jealous when Gulf mentioned the word 'date'.

But having Bright hug him like that, all of his negative feelings melted away.

He smiled remembering that that was a regular scene for them ever since they lived together. Win liked to cook breakfast and Bright would often wake up and hug him while he was cooking.

Win slowly turned around and pinched Bright's cheeks.

"Okay, mayor," he said. "I actually wanted to apologize for acting like a wife being cheated on yesterday. I don't know what happened to me. I was never really the jealous type when we were together, right?"

He sighed. "I think I'm just too afraid to lose you again."

"No need to apologize," Bright grinned. "I kinda like this version of you anyway. You're so adorable when you're jealous like that. It makes me feel that you really really like me. Haha."

Win gently pushed him away.

He walked towards the table and sat down. "So are these gifts for me, then?"

Bright scratched his chin. "Hmm. I don't know. Are you the cute medical student who is obsessed with chicken wings? You know, the one who makes my heart beat like crazy with just a single smile."

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