Part 24 - Bonus Chapter

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This is for readers who want to know more about what happens next for the characters in this story:

Five Years Later

Christmas Cards


From Chimon to Pluem:

Hey Dolphin,

I hope by the time you're reading this, we will be together somewhere (I hate your schedule!).

If I only knew back then that dating a med student would be this hard, I wouldn't have.. Kidding!

Anyway, I'm not too good with words so I'll try to keep this short (the only thing about me that's short. <wink>).

So here we go..

I love you so much..

..even though you always scold me for being messy.

..even though you never let me kiss you in public (stop being shy already!).

..even though you don't have time to cook breakfast for me everyday like you did before.

Again, just kidding! I can already see your raised eyebrows. Relax.

I hate to admit it but between the two of us, you've always been the better boyfriend.

No matter how busy you are, you always find time to visit me at work and surprise me with delicious home-cooked meals.

No matter how tired you are from hospital duty, you still have the energy to give me head massages when my migraine acts up.

No matter how lazy and messy and annoying I am, you still love me the same.

Urgh, I'm starting to get teary-eyed just writing these things.

Anyway, we were both present during kuya Tay and kuya New's wedding last year in Canada and just a few weeks ago, we witnessed kuya Bright and kuya Win exchange wedding vows in New Zealand. I can still remember how kuya Bright cried like a baby while saying his vows.

I can't wait for us to get married too. I can't imagine myself living my life without you. I can't wait to call you my husband.

I love you dolphin. More and more every single day.

Merry Christmas!


Would you kill me if I give myself as a gift to you this Christmas? I think it would be fun to remove all of my clothes and just tie a cute Christmas ribbon down there.. you know.. Fine. Bad idea. I know. Sorry. Love you. Bye!


From Bright to Win:


I still can't believe I can now call you my husband! It still feels like a dream.

I'm sorry if I ended up crying for the majority of my vows. I've always been a cool speaker you know. They even call me the most eloquent young congressman in the country. Haha.

But with you, I'm just reduced to my most vulnerable state. You have always had that magic effect on me, babe. I can be the most confident politician when I'm in front of other people, but with you, I automatically become just an ordinary person and I love it. You've always seen me for who I really am.

Like I said, you must have casted a magic spell on me because seeing your smile instantly wipes away my sadness. And hearing your words of encouragement instantly clears all my self-doubt.

This is supposed to be a Christmas card but I guess I have to add something to the messy vows I made before you during our wedding.

I promise to take care of you, Win. You might be one of the best resident doctors your current hospital has ever seen, but I know you need someone to take care of you too. And that's the role I will always be willing to play. I promise to make you happy every single day. I promise not to hurt to you. But if I somehow still end up doing it, I hope you'll tell me right away so I could immediately do something about it. Causing you any pain would be the last thing I'll ever do.

You probably already know that I'm too in love with you to even look at other guys but I'll say it anyway: I am and will forever be ALL YOURS. My mind, my heart, and my body (wink).

Seriously babe, you're my inspiration, my world, my everything. I can't wait to celebrate our golden wedding anniversary with our children and grandchildren. By that time, I think I'd be able to deliver my vows smoothly. Haha.

I love you, my husband. Merry Christmas!


From Tay to New:

Dear Atty. Gonzales,

We have been husbands for more than a year and boyfriends for ten years but I still feel excited to see you when I get home every night.

I thank God everyday for you. You have been and will always be the best gift I've ever received.

Last week, I saw one of your hearings on TV and I'm so proud of the man that you've become. Of course, I brag about you for being last year's bar topnotcher and becoming one of the most sought after new lawyers in town.

However, I'm most proud of the fact that despite receiving lucrative offers from big companies, you still chose to offer your service to those who can't afford expensive lawyer fees.

Our son, Frank, is growing up so fast and it makes my heart so happy to know that he has a father who overcame so many struggles in life but still became utterly successful. He's too young to know it now, but I'm sure when he's old enough, he'll be absolutely amazed by you.

You often say that you're proud of me for all the things I've accomplished and I have selfishly accepted your sweet words without returning the favor.

So this Christmas, I want you to know that even though I don't say it often enough, I am so proud of you. In this crazy world, you're my sanctuary. With you, I feel safe. With your love, I feel invincible.

I hope you never get tired of hearing me say this but I love you.

Frank and I are so lucky to have you in our lives.

Merry Christmas again my love!


Hi guys!

I posted a new 'story' but it's actually a poll. I have three stories in mind and I hope you can help me choose which one to write next.

Please check out the 3 story ideas and vote/comment on your favorite story!


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