Part 16

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"Are you guys sure you can still drive safely?" Jerry asked as he walked with Bright and Win towards their car. It was already nine in the evening and they've all had their fill of grilled meat and some drinks. They all smelled of smoke and beer.

"Yep, Tito. I'm still sober," Bright answered. He had been very careful the entire time, making sure neither him nor Win had too much to drink. He didn't even finish his lone bottle of beer. Luckily, everyone was so immersed in the conversations so no one paid attention to how little he and Win were drinking.

On the other hand, Tay and the boys were completely wasted, including New who looked tipsy even though he was the strongest drinker among them.

"All right then," Jerry replied. "But be careful okay?"

"Yes Tito," Bright said before hugging Jerry.

"We're leaving, tito. Thanks for accommodating us. We'll come back again for sure, haha," Win added and hugged Jerry as well.

"Of course. Any time. Bye now," Jerry said before going back to the house.

He too, was ready for bed after making sure everyone was settled.

Tay and New were already in Tay's old room. Pluem was going to sleep inside Chimon's room while Fiat will crash at Nanon's.

On his way to his own room, Jerry wondered why everyone was wasted except for Bright and Win but he just shrugged it off.


"Here," Chimon said as he dumped a shirt, a pair of cotton shorts and underwear onto Pluem's lap. "Go take a shower first. I'll just check on Fiat in the next room."

Pluem, even in his semi-drunk status noticed the underwear Chimon gave him.

"Really, Chi? Even underwear?" he asked while holding a pair of pale blue boxers.

"What's the problem? That one's new. Never been used. Would you prefer one that I've already worn?" Chimon said with a grin.

Pluem rolled his eyes at him and stood up. "Whatever, monkey," he said before entering the bathroom.

Chimon was so amused by Pluem's reaction that he was still smiling once he got inside Nanon's room.

His smile grew into a full-blown laugh when he turned the lights on.

Fiat was passed out on the sofa while Nanon was also knocked out on the floor.

"Damn you two," Chimon hissed as he tried to pull Nanon up.

"Urghh," he groaned as he half-carried Nanon onto the bed. He stretched out his arms before walking towards the sofa to wake Fiat up.

"Hey Fiat," he said, gently tapping his friend's cheeks. "Wake up. You can't sleep on the sofa. You'll have body aches in the morning."

When Fiat didn't move, Chimon mustered up all of his strength and carried Fiat to the bed.

"You'll have to pay me back someday, you fools. You're both so heavy," he complained.

He then walked towards the bathroom and took a small basin and filled it with warm water. He also picked up some towels on his way back to the bed.

He was almost done, wiping up Fiat's face when he heard a knock on the door.

"Come in," he said.

"Oh no. Haha," Pluem whispered when he saw Nanon and Fiat both passed out on the bed. "You go ahead and take a shower, Chi. I'll finish up wiping these two."

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