Part 9

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"Errr.. I wanted to drive him home. He was too drunk," Arm explained awkwardly. He wasn't expecting anyone to see him taking Tay home, especially not New.

"Thanks," New said flatly. "But it's okay. I'll take care of him."

New stepped towards Tay not bothering to wait for Arm's response. He placed Tay's arm around his shoulder and started assisting him to his own car.

"Uh.. Bye guys," Arm said, fidgeting with his car keys.

"Bye," New said sharply without even looking back.

After getting Tay into his car, New thought about confronting Arm about his intentions. But as he turned his head to where Arm was, he found that he was already gone. "Scared much?" he murmured.

New slowly got into the driver's seat, still fuming. He couldn't exactly point out why but something about Arm just irked him.

"Love.." Tay mumbled half-consciously.

"Where do you think you were going earlier?" New asked. He knew he wouldn't get any answer from his boyfriend in his current state but he asked anyway.

"I.. I dunno.. Arm said he was taking me somewhere private so we could.."

"We could what?" New raised his voice, his heart pounding on his chest. "So you could what, Tay?"

But just as he had expected, Tay didn't answer and just started snoring.

New didn't know how to feel at that moment. He was irritated with the thought of Arm taking Tay somewhere private but at the same time, he wanted to laugh at how Tay looked at the moment. He was completely passed out and was starting to drool.

New smirked and picked up some tissue.

"You're lucky I love you, asshole," he said as he wiped Tay's mouth.


Inside Win's dorm, Bright was having the same problem as New.

He and Win had been drinking for few hours and Win had drunk most of the beer that Bright had brought, including the stock he already had in his fridge. Bright only managed to drink a few cans.

"Win, I think you should go to bed," Bright said as he started clearing the table.

Win was already half-sleeping at the table, his head bobbing.

"Nope. I want to drink more."

Bright bit his lip. It hurt him to see Win like that. He knew Win was only drinking to forget the pain Luke had inflicted on him. "You deserve so much better, Win," he whispered.

"B-bright.. Give me some more beer please," Win pleaded.

Birght sighed and began to assist Win out of his seat and onto his bed.

"Wait, where are you taking me?"

"I'm taking you to your bed."

"Hmm.. You want to have sex with me, huh?"

Bright almost laughed at what Win said.

"Nope, you fool. You just need to lie down properly."

"Oh," Win said.

Bright wasn't sure but he sensed some disappointment in Win's tone. Dude, he's just drunk, he thought.

"Okay, I'm laying you on your bed now," Bright said as he gently laid Win onto his bed.

In a split-second though, he lost balance after Win tried to pull him onto the bed with him.

Bright found himself completely on top of Win, their lips almost touching.

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