Part 18

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"Hurry, Chimon. We're just going to play badminton, not join a modelling contest. No need to fix your hair. It will get messed up later anyway," Pluem said visibly annoyed.

He had been waiting outside the men's changing room for a couple of minutes already but Chimon was yet to come out.

"Why are you so grumpy?"Chimon teased when he finally exited the changing room, his hair looking immaculate.

Pluem gave him a frustrated look. "Let's go. Puimek is already waiting for us."


"Puimek Valdez. She's a friend I met here a couple of weeks ago. She's a professional badminton player and she was nice enough to teach me how to play better."

Chimon frowned. He had imagined a couple of hours of being alone with Pluem. But that seemed to be an impossible thing now because of this Puimek girl.

"What's with the sad look? Don't worry. She's very nice. She won't judge you or anything," Pluem said thinking Chimon was probably embarrassed to play with a stranger when he was still very new to the sport.

"It's not that," Chimon replied. I just want your undivided attention for the next few hours, he thought.

"I just don't like meeting new people."

"Really? Even if you have thousands of followers on IG and on Youtube?"

"Those are different things. My IG and Youtube posts are well-planned beforehand and I'm usually on my own. This, meeting a complete stranger, is awkward for me."

Pluem shrugged, still doubting how someone who was as popular and confident as Chimon would have any issues with meeting new people.

"Oh by the way, you haven't uploaded any new video on your channel for the past three weeks now. What's up with that?"

Chimon stopped walking. "Wait, how did you know that?"

"I've subscribed to your channel, remember?"

Chimon couldn't help but grin. "So you've been waiting to see a new video from me?"

"Uhuh," Pluem said matter of factly.

"Hey, why didn't you tell me you were such a fan of my show. I would have even guested you in one of my vids."

Pluem rolled his eyes. "I didn't say I was a fan. Your videos are, well, tolerable. I just find it weird that you've stopped posting. You used to upload a new video every week. That's all."

Chimon began walking again. "I don't know. I just don't have any inspiration to post anything anymore. I prefer this, living life without having the urge to share it to other people. Besides, there's a lot going on with Fiat and all. And I also realized I haven't been spending much time with Nanon."

Chimon paused, his face becoming dead serious. "I still feel bad that I didn't know my own brother was going through such a horrible thing and he felt more comfortable in hanging out at your dorm instead of coming to me instead."

Pluem tapped Chimon's shoulder. "All right. Let's stop talking about that already. You're a great brother, Chi."

"I doubt it. Nanon rarely opens up to me."

"Maybe that's something you both can work on. But I think Nanon adores you."

"How could you say that?"

"I haven't told you yet but last night, after I was done wiping up Nanon's face, he began talking in his sleep. He said he loves you," Pluem said. Mimicking Nanon's drunk voice, he said, "Nanon was like, I love you kuya Chimon. I love you kuya Tay.. Hahaha. Nanon's such a baby."

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