Part 17

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Win woke up that morning with a familiar pain he knew perfectly well was the result of something that happened the night before. He slowly opened his eyes, thinking the pain was just part of a dream, but he immediately felt like cold water had been poured over him when he realized his head was laying on Bright's biceps and his arm was hugging his naked chest.

He held his breath as he lifted the sheets to confirm his suspicion.

"Fuck!" he muttered after realizing he and Bright were both completely naked. He quickly got off the bed and rushed to the bathroom, not bothering to control his movements as not to awaken Bright.

As expected, Win's sudden movements awakened Bright who's eyes also widened after realizing what had happened that night.

"Oh shit," he whispered as he looked around. Upon realizing that Win was in the bathroom, he quickly stood up and got dressed.

He rushed to the kitchen sink to wash his face as if the cold water will help calm his nerves.

Failing to control his anxiousness, he started cleaning up the mess they'd made the night before. He wiped the table clean and even managed to sweep the floor. After he was done, Win was still in the bathroom.

He proceeded to open Win's cupboard and took out some packets of instant noodles. He didn't know why but he felt like he had to do something or he'll lose his mind.

Just when Bright had added the seasonings to the pan, Win finally came out of the bathroom.

He was immediately surrounded by the smell of his favorite noodles. Briefly scanning his dorm room, he noticed that all the mess from last night had vanished.

He took a deep breath before slowly joining Bright in the kitchen.

"Good morning," he said casually.

"Uh, g-good morning," Bright replied.

Why are you acting so nervous after everything you did to me last night? Win wondered but had no courage to say it out loud.

"Go take a shower. I'll finish preparing breakfast," he said instead.

It was as if Bright heard nothing. He was so fixated in stirring the pan so vigorously that Win feared the noodles will fly out any time.

"Bright Cruz. Go take a shower before you bore a hole in my cooking pan," Win repeated with a sly smile.

"Oh, okay," Bright finally answered.

"You may get clothes from my closet. You should know where things are placed. You used to live here."

Bright bit his lip. Damn you Win. How can you be acting like nothing happened? We just had sex the night before and yet you seem to be so unbothered, he thought.

As if in a trance, he sluggishly left the kitchen, took clothes from Win's closet then proceeded to the bathroom.

After Bright disappeared into the bathroom, Win let out a huge sigh of relief.

He fried some eggs and sausages to go with the noodles. He was so used to cooking such food for breakfast that it didn't take him much time before he finished everything.

Seeing that Bright was still in the bathroom, he took out his phone and called New.

"Hello New help!" he said.

"Good morning to you to. What happened?" New asked, laughing.

"Bright and I.. well.. we.."

"You what? Please don't tell me you had a fight."

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