Part 8

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Nanon was still trembling when Chimon, Fiat, and Pluem led him inside Pluem's dorm.

"What happened Non?" Chimon asked again. He was seated on a separate chair while Pluem, Nanon, and Fiat were sitting on the sofa.

Nanon stopped sobbing. "This afternoon, Peter, my basketball coach, called me to his office and molested me.. again."

Chimon and Fiat sprang up from their seats while Pluem immediately hugged Nanon.

"Fuck! I will kill that bastard!" Chimon shouted.

"Let's go," Fiat seconded.

"Guys, please sit down first," Pluem said as he let go of Nanon and grabbed Chimon's arm. Chimon and Fiat looked like they were about to go and look for the coach.

"Non, I'm so sorry to hear about that," Pluem said gently. "But you just said 'again'? So this isn't the first time?"

"Yes, kuya," Nanon said through his tears. "It all started maybe 3 weeks ago. He first called me to his office saying he wanted to talk about my role in the team but he made me remove my shirt and started caressing my thighs and my abdomen. I couldn't move so I just froze there as his hands began exploring my crotch area. Luckily, a janitor knocked and asked if he could clean his office.

"I was so chocked and scared so I tried avoiding him as much as I could. That's why after practice, I go straight here to your dorm. I don't even shower at the gym anymore. He didn't call me to his office back again so I thought it was already over.

"I heard from the other players that he had done the same to them too but he has stopped since he was into some sort of relationship with this sophomore player, Joss Mercado.

"But I heard they broke-up or something because Joss was kicked out of the team three days ago. The other players said Coach Peter threatened Joss that he would release videos of their sexual escapades if he says anything to anyone. So Joss just transferred to another school."

Nanon paused and took a deep breath.

"When the coach called me to his office this afternoon, I knew something like this would happen but I still went because we're in the middle of the season and I didn't want him to sabotage my game. He didn't even pretend to have a conversation anymore. He just went straight to doing the same thing he did to me before. He caressed my abs and thighs then he proceeded to grope my-"

"Stop!" Chimon yelled as he tried to blink back his tears. His face was red with anger and he was breathing heavily.

"I pushed him away, picked up my shirt and ran out kuya," Nanon said. "I don't know what to do. I want to report it to the student affairs office but I have no proof. The other guys won't speak either. He's arguably the best collegiate coach in the Philippines right now and he's well respected everywhere. He's very active in church activities and has his own young kids. People might not believe me if I tell them the truth."

"We have to tell kuya Tay," Chimon said.

"We have to tell all of them. Kuya Tay, kuya New, kuya Bright and kuya Win," Fiat added.

"But they already have a lot to deal with," Nanon said. "I don't want to add to their problems."

"Oh no," Pluem said. "They have to know about it. At least kuya Tay and kuya New. Kuya Tay has to know because he's your brother. Kuya New also has to know because he will kill us if he learns about this from other people. Kuya Bright has a big thing on his plate right now and kuya Win just got discharged from the hospital so I guess we can tell them later."

"How about your parents, Chi and Non?" Fiat asked.

"No need. At least for now," Chimon answered. "Tonight, we'll come up with a plan then tomorrow we will tell kuya Tay and kuya New about it."

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