Part 4

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"Uh, I just came to see Win," Bright said awkwardly as Luke glared at him. "I'm actually about to go."

Luke clenched his fist as he shifted his gaze from Bright to Win.

"Oh no. Stay. I'm sorry for disturbing your little moment here. I'll leave so you can continue whatever it is that you two were doing," Luke said bitterly, turning towards the door.

"Luke, it's not what you think," Win said weakly.

However, Luke didn't even glance at him. He just left, slamming the door behind him.

"I'm sorry," Bright said as he looked at Win. "I should leave now."

"No. Please stay. I mean, if you don't have anything important to do. It's fine. Let him be. I'm quite tired of his irrational anger towards you anyway. You have stayed out of my life for a year and yet he's still very much threatened by you."

Bright fought the urge to ask Win if he was actually still a threat to their relationship.. if he indeed still had the chance to take Win back.

"I don't know what to say," Bright said instead.

"It's okay. You don't have to say anything," Win said. He hesitated for a while before saying, "I'm actually happy to see you again."

"Me too."

"So you know much about my life now. You've met my boyfriend and you probably have a pretty good idea how our relationship is going. How about you? What's going on in your life?"

Bright took a deep breath before answering. He was still standing at the table so he grabbed his sandwich and a bottle of water and sat beside Win's bed.

"Nothing much really. After we broke up, I got busy with the campaign and now my work keeps me pretty occupied."

"You're not seeing anyone?" Win asked innocently. However, after saying that, he had a creeping feeling of dread inside him. As if he wanted Bright to say no, that he was still single.

"Nope," Bright said. And without thinking, he added, "I didn't even have any interest in dating again. I'm still in love with you. I mean, you probably already know that but yeah."

Win was relieved that Bright was still single but he was also crushed by the thought that he had moved on and got into a new relationship while Bright was still in love with him.

Win looked down as he answered. "I'm sorry."

"It's fine," Bright quickly replied. "People have different timelines. It's just taking me longer to get over you but for sure, someday, I'll be able to find someone else."

Win felt tears starting to form in his eyes so he swiftly wiped them away.

Bright saw that so he reached out and held Win's hand.

"Hey. It's okay. Don't feel sorry for me. I'm really doing well. My work keeps me busy so I rarely have time to think about anything else. I still think of you sometimes but it will be better soon. I'll be better soon."

Instead of being comforted by Bright's words, Win began to cry. He couldn't explain what exactly he was feeling. A part of him felt bad that he had broken up with Bright. A part of him wanted to hug and kiss Bright again. But there was also a huge feeling of guilt inside him, that he was somehow being unfaithful to Luke.

"Win, please stop crying," Bright whispered as he kissed Win's hand. "It's not your fault that you've moved on and I haven't. Like I said, I will eventually move on as well."

Win shook his head. He wanted to tell Bright that he didn't want him to move on. That he wanted Bright to keep loving him.

"Bright please-"

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