Part 14

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It only took a few rings before New answered Win's call.


"New, someone's following us!"

"What? Who's 'us'?"

"I'm with Bright right now. Tita Victoria wanted me and Bright to check out a rest house that's being sold to her by a friend. It's in Laguna so it's quite a long drive. We were just doing fine but then we noticed this black car following us even after we had stopped at a restaurant for lunch."

"Is it a black Toyota Vios?"

Win raised his eyebrow. "Wait. How did you know it's a Toyota Vios?"

New laughed. "I know that person Win. Tita Victoria asked me to find a guy who could follow Bright secretly wherever he went. Haha. I'll talk to Patrick. It's just the first day and yet you've already caught him. Don't worry, I'll let him know."

Win let out a sigh of relief. "My gosh New. We were so worried!"

"Win's right New. You should have told us about this," Bright said.

"Aww. Sorry Bright. You weren't even supposed to know. Tita and I wanted you to be able to move freely without worrying about someone watching you."

"Haha. It's fine New. Thanks for setting this up."

"I was actually the one who suggested this idea to Tita Victoria. We already know Tito Edward will find a bodyguard who will be with you all the time and maybe a couple of other security measures but I don't trust those guys. I want to have someone who's not connected to the police or some other government agency. You know, someone we can really trust. I know Patrick personally and I'm 100% sure he can be trusted. Although as you might know by now, he has to work on being more discreet."

Bright couldn't stop laughing. "That was the funniest thing that happened to me in months," he said. Then after, he said, "I understand why you did this New. And I agree. We're not sure where those cops' loyalty really lies with."

New's tone was less cheerful the next time he spoke. "Honestly, I wanted to arrange this on my own, without asking Tita Victoria's help. But surveillance and security is expensive and although Patrick is my friend, his rate would still have been too much for me even with a discount. I'm living on my savings right now so.."

"New!" Bright exclaimed.

New was caught off-guard by Bright's stern tone. "Wh-what?" he asked.

"Listen," Bright started. "After Win and I get back to Manila, we will go to your condo and have a serious conversation. I want us to settle this money non-sense once and for all. There's no way I'm letting you worry about finances when you have Tay, Win and me. I don't care if you get mad. I'm transferring money to your bank account once I get your account number from Tay."

New laughed.

"You're crazy! I'm fine. Really. I already talked to Tay and he had made a reasonable proposal to me so I'm seriously considering it. Besides, it's not like I'm starving or anything. I just have to control my expenses now that I don't have any personal income. Don't worry about me. If I need help I'll let you know.. both of you."

"No. I'm sending money to your account whether you like it or not," Bright insisted.

"Sssh. I said no need. Anyway, let's end this conversation now so you and Win can bond. Otherwise Tita's plan will- oops."

"Hey, what plan?" Bright demanded.

"Nothing. I have to go guys," New said, chuckling. "I'm here at the Ramos' house and Tito Jerry is calling me. Love you both. Enjoy each other, I mean, your trip. Bye!"

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