Part 3

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"Hello Chi," New said as he put his phone on speaker mode. He was just a few hundred meters away from their condo unit when Chimon called.

"Kuya, may I know where Pluem's dorm is? And his room number?" Chimon asked nervously.

New was weirded out by the question but he was too distracted by the looming conversation he was planning to have with Tay so he just answered Chimon directly. "Hmm. It's the same condo where Win and I stayed before. He's at room 207."

"Okay kuya. Thanks. I'm sorry I didn't answer your call earlier I was so embarrassed about the tweets. But I swear I had nothing to do with it. I'll go visit Pluem so I can explain to him personally."

"What do you mean? Oh, I remember," New said after then recalling what Nanon told him that afternoon.

Truthfully, New appreciated it every time Nanon would call or text him to talk about things like that. He enjoyed being updated about what was going on in the boys' lives. Tay sometimes teased him for stealing his brothers and New couldn't blame him. Nanon and Chimon indeed called and texted New more than they contacted Tay.

As for Pluem, things didn't change much. Although New and Pluem were always very close, they didn't really talk much about small stuff. Pluem was a very independent kid. He only talked to New if it was extremely necessary.

I guess that's what we have in common, New thought. Like him, Pluem would do his best to solve his own problems before asking help from anyone. They rarely talked about petty stuff.

That was why New appreciated Nanon very much. Unlike Pluem, Nanon was very open and would often call New just to talk about random things. Among the four kids, Chimon, Nanon, Fiat and Pluem, Nanon was the one who most often visited him at the café. Tay was right when he said Nanon was such a baby. He was a popular basketball player and many girls were chasing after him. But even though he tried to act cool and mysterious to others, Nanon was still very sweet and clingy with his brothers, and even with New, Win, Bright and Fiat.

New sighed as he turned towards the parking lot. "Chi, whatever is going on between you and Pluem, make sure not to end up hurting each other okay? There are much bigger things in life than student council elections. Friendship, for example, is way more important than that. Always think about what will matter years from now and it's not any position in the student council. Uhm, I'm at our condo now. Drive safely when you visit Pluem, okay?"

"All right kuya."

"Love you, Chi. Bye."

"Love you too kuya, bye."

New shook his head after ending the call. Frankly, he was more amused than worried about what was going on between Chimon and Pluem. The two had opposite characters so it was very likely that they wouldn't like each other.

Chimon had a strong personality. He was confident, brutally frank and sometimes very hot-headed. But he was also sweet, thoughtful, and very loyal.

Pluem on the other hand was friendly and calm. He always seemed to be in control of his emotions. However, he had the tendency to be gullible because he always chose to believe what people say to him. He trusted people easily but when someone betrays him, he doesn't give that person another chance.


New brought out some beer from the fridge as he waited for Tay. Some alcohol won't hurt, he thought. It would even help him have the courage to tell Tay the truth about his business.

He was already on his third bottle when Tay arrived.

New stood up to meet him, initially planning to give him a kiss like he always did every night when Tay would arrive home. However, upon seeing Tay's face, he lost control of his emotions and hugged him tightly instead.

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