Part 13

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Chimon was awakened that morning by the sound of meat sizzling in oil. Upon opening his eyes, he quickly remembered that he was inside Pluem's dorm room. The way the room was set up, he couldn't see the kitchen since it was blocked by the wall of the bathroom. He slowly stood up, expecting to feel pain all over his body but surprisingly, he didn't feel any discomfort at all.

"Good morning!" he said when he walked to the kitchen. Pluem was busy cooking, his back turned to him.

"Hey," Pluem responded. "How are you feeling?"

"Amazingly, I don't feel any pain at all," Chimon said as he walked to the fridge. "Can I have some water please?"

Pluem finally turned around ang grabbed a glass. "Here. Get some warm water from the water dispenser. It's not good to drink cold water first thing in the morning."

Chimon took the glass from him. "Okay boss."

Pluem's jaw dropped when he noticed the bulge in Chimon's shorts. He immediately turned around and focused on the dish that he was cooking.

"Sit down at the table. I'm almost done here," he said, trying to forget what he just saw.

"Thanks for cooking breakfast. Heck, thanks for everything."

"No problem. By the way, I cooked bangsilog for you (bangsilog is a breakfast meal comprised of fried boneless milkfish, fried rice and sunny side up egg). Nanon said it's your favorite."

"Wow!" Chimon said, impressed. "You asked Non about my favorite food?"

"Uhuh. I figured I should know what you guys like to eat since Fiat will be my neighbor and I'm sure you guys will be hanging out here more often soon. I already know Fiat likes chicken soup for breakfast while Nanon likes anything fried so I had to know yours."

"Haha. So does that mean I can come here often?"

Pluem nodded as he laid down plates on the table. "You can come anytime you want. No problem. Just don't expect cooked food all the time because sometimes I get lazy too, especially after a toxic shift at the hospital."

"Thanks!" Chimon said. "Of course, I won't bother you all the time just for food. How about this, after breakfast, why don't we go out to the mall or something. It's Saturday anyway. We can watch a movie, check out books, whatever you want to do."

"Let's eat," Pluem said as he sat down. "Hmm. Sure. We can also buy some badminton gear for you. You said you'll play with me some time soon right?"

"Oh yeah, I remember. And then after we can go to our house and hangout at the pool. I'll call Fiat too."

"You sure you're up for all this? You might still have some pain."

"Nope, I'm fine. I'll text Nanon so he can get the house ready and tell the house staff to prepare lunch for all of us."

"All right then. I haven't swam in a long time. I don't even know if I have any swimming trunks here," Pluem said.

"We can buy one at the mall later too."



Bright was in the kitchen absentmindedly scanning the contents of their fridge that morning when he saw Win come out of his parent's bedroom.

"Whoa. What are you doing here?" Bright exclaimed, surprised to see Win.

"Err. Good morning to you too," Win said, smiling awkwardly.

"Oh, sorry. Good morning. I was just surprised to see you here. It's only 7am."

"I asked him to come because I had a favor to ask," Victoria interrupted. She had also just walked out of her bedroom. She was feeling much better than she did on the previous day but her doctor had asked her to take a rest.

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