Part 19

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"I'll let you guys talk," New said before turning towards the elevators. He could barely control his anger as he watched Arm standing there, at the reception area of their condo smiling as if he had nothing. How dare you show your face to me, New thought. As if you didn't threaten my boyfriend just so he would sleep with you.

"No," Tay declared. "I'm going with you New. I have nothing to say to this person."

When Tay also turned to follow New, Arm quickly caught up to them.

"Guys, please give me a chance to say something. I just need a few minutes of your time. I promise it will be very quick," he said, not blinking an eye. "Please."

New somehow saw the sincerity in Arm's face so he sighed and said, "Okay. Follow me."

He walked towards the set of sofas on one side of the condo's reception area where visitors usually waited.

After they were all seated, New and Tay on one sofa and Arm on the other couch opposite them, New crossed his legs and said, "Okay. We're listening."

Arm cleared his throat before speaking. "I know I'm probably the last person you want to see waiting for you at your place but believe me, this will be the last you'll see me. The only reason I came here is to apologize for the things I did to Tay and to you too, New."

Arm paused, "I am deeply sorry. I am not usually like this. I know this is not an excuse but I just came from a bitter break-up. My boyfriend for six years cheated on me with my best friend. I lost two of the most important people in my life. Because of that, I felt like I had the right to inflict the same pain to other people too.

"Luckily, I happened to choose just the right people. Your relationship is rock-solid and nothing I could have done would have been able to destroy what you have. It blows my mind realizing how much harm I could have brought if I did it to another couple. I could have destroyed people's relationships for some selfish vendetta."

"It took a few days of introspection before I realized that I had become a total asshole. I know now that getting hurt does not give me the license to hurt others as well. Again, I'm sorry and I promise I'll stay out of your way from now on.

"These flowers are for you, New. These are nothing to compensate for what I've done but I couldn't think of anything else to give, honestly. What I've done was horrible and I feel so bad just thinking about it.

"I may not deserve it after what I've done but I'm still hoping that someday, I'll be able to have a relationship as beautiful as yours.

"That's it I guess. I'm really sorry. Thanks for giving me time to apologize."

Tay was too anxious to say anything. He kind of understood what Arm was talking about but he was also scared that he might say something stupid again so he just kept his mouth shut.

Luckily, New wasn't flustered at all. He smiled at Arm before speaking.

"Thank you for coming here and talking to us. I appreciate it. I can't say I have forgiven you but I understand where you're coming from. Five years ago, I was also obsessed with revenge and hatred. I almost let my hunger for retaliation consume me. I almost hurt so many innocent people.

"I'll take your word that you won't mess up with Tay again, okay? Stealing someone's partner is never a good start for any relationship. I wish you luck moving forward. You seem to be a real catch, you know. You're good-looking, rich, well-educated. Knowing that you're capable of realizing your own mistake and have the balls to apologize for them, makes me think you're actually a respectable person.

"Just live your life and be your best everyday. You'll eventually meet someone who's perfect for you."

Arm looked up, blinking back his tears.

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