For Richer or for Poorer

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Set to "The Steward and the King" ; a contemplation

Forgive me Father, for the times I've complained
Rather than holding fast to Thy Name
For "Faithful & True" You have been to me
Tried and proven by Thy past testimonies

O Father, forgive me my presumption and greed
That I should see debt rather than mercy
Generous is Your hand that supplies and feeds
You have not turned away, but have heard me

You allowed me to be emptied
That I might understand
You alone determine the plenty
Not by my power but by Your Spirit I stand

O undeserved and unexplainable grace!
Why on me You choose to shine Your face!
For this purpose, You did not leave me on the streets
That I might reflect the One who supplies our needs

In time, I became full and forgot
Of mercy's shield from the Lord my Rock
I ascribed glory to my Fortune's showers
Rather than to Him who alone gives the power

(Be wise, O kings; be instructed, you judges of earth
For by Him, you have been upheld from birth
O rich, do not trust in what is uncertain nor in this age be haughty
But trust in the living God who gives to us to enjoy all things richly)

I was humbled when I was emptied
No longer to grasp or see the plenty
Replacing my comforts with Your holy presence
Reminding me of Your will in my purpose

Wrecking the vessel I had presumed command
Your grace ended my course and bound me in Your hand
You saved me from my storm and the tares I sowed
Your discipline brought deliverance for me to grow

Justly do I hear wisdom's reproving laugh:
"How dare he thinks to uphold his own path!
That he should gain by mortal means and craft!
See! If he withdraws from the Fountain, how long will he last?"

Aye. Why should God my every need meet?
And not subject my life as the needy of the streets?
"You are His steward; you do not represent thyself
For it is God who gives you the power to get wealth"

(You are a fortress and refuge for the oppressed
And none who have trusted in You have You ashamed
Indeed, "You meet him who rejoices and does righteousness
Who remembers You in Your ways")

The Savior says: "Know My grace
That though I was rich, I became poor
That through My poverty you might know joy's fullness
And pleasures forevermore

Truly, blessed is the man who trusts in nothing but the Lord
Who shuns the counsel of princes and the strength of swords
For His goodness and mercy are laid up for such
(His secret is with those who fear Him)
And He will show them His covenant


O my God, You who choose to pity me and know my frame
Forgive me for the many times I've coveted and complained
Create in me a clean heart; and renew a right spirit within
Blot out my transgression; and cleanse me from my sins

Shall I indeed accept good from You and not adversity?
Surely, I will be glad for He has known us in our adversities
The Lord gives and He takes away
Blessed be His Name

If God should choose that I depend on Him
By the decisions of the blessed and the rich
He is teaching that it is not on bread alone
But on His every word, rather, that I live

If I was forever rich and full
And had no seasons of emptying for me
Brackish and stale would be my soul
My mind trapped and lost in pride's idolatry

Therefore, "Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter":
His rod and staff comforts me
His discipline, mercy; to save from wandering
Anxiety is nothing; seek Him in prayer
Lean not in your own understanding
Be still and know that He is there

He has gone before; so come boldly to the throne of grace
Making your requests known to the Omnipotent God
You will not be ashamed but will renew thy strength
When you gaze on His testimonies and give Him laud


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