Coffee Shop~

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Amy walked up to the cafe with her little sister, Cream. Cream's friends had asked her to come with her to the coffee shop, but her mother, Vanilla wouldn't allow her to go alone. Amy offered to take her there, but wouldn't sit with Cream and her friends. She decided to study some archaeological pieces for work, while drinking some coffee. Amy got in line, and got a frappuccino, and was looking for a seat, but while doing that, she accidently bumped into someone.

"OH, I'm very sorry-" the stranger started, but Amy interrupted him.

"Don't worry about it, it's fine, really!" Amy checked her outfit to make sure her outfit wasn't stained. Luckily, nothing was stained. She looked up to see who bumped into her, only to realize that it was a hedgehog, like her.

"Sonic! You idiot! You bumped into a pretty girl, and made her drop her coffee! Buy her another frappe, and become her boyfriend, please!" Lyra, the barista yelled at the hedgehog.

"Yeesh, Chaos, I swear she gets on my nerves..." Sonic, remembered that the pink hedgie was still staring at him. She seemed to be in a faint daze. Who wouldn't? Sonic was probably the hottest mobian alive! "Um...I'm sorry I made you drop your coffee. I'll pay!" The pink hedgehog started to blush. Sonic unconsciously started checking her out. She had cherry pink quills, had sparkling jade eyes, a small smile etched upon her glossy pink lips, and a faint blush on her cheeks. His eyes travelled farther down. She had curves. It was covered by a sweatshirt and matching sweatpants, but he could tell she had a nice figure. His eyes aimed for her lower back...

"Um- Excuse me, sir?" Sonic snapped out of his trance, and he glowed redder than the echidna in the background flirting with a familiar bat. "You really don't have to-"

"Nonsense! Besides, my little sister owns the place, so she'll give you a free cup!" Sonic grinned at Amy. Amy found that she liked this stranger's smile. "By the way, the name's Sonic the Hedgehog! And who might you be?" Sonic gave his trademark smile, and asked the petite hedgie her name.

"Oh! Uh...My name's Amy Rose."

"THE Amy Rose?"

"Uh...yes?" Amy was confused. How did he know who she was?

"You might be confused as to why I know who you are. You see, you're a famous archaeologist. You discovered temples, and can figure out mysteries better than my little bro over there." Sonic pointed to the fox sitting right next to Cream. "He seems to really like that rabbit. I saw them walking together yesterday."

"Oh her? That's my little sister, Cream."

"And I'm Lyra, Sonic's biological little sister. Here's your free coffee, courtesy of my bro, because I smell love in the air~" Lyra walked over to Amy, and handed her a strawberry latte.

"Go away, Lyra. No one wants you here." Sonic mumbled.

"May I remind you who owns this cafe, Sonic? ME." Lyra said to him, she strolled off, giving Amy a wink.

"Why don't we sit down? I need to get some work down anyways." Amy said, and pointed over to a table with two chairs. The couple walked towards the table, and sat down. Amy took some historical documents out, as well as results of tests done for the artifacts. "I've been trying to figure out what this relic's power source is, but just can't seem to figure it out..." Amy looked up and saw Sonic staring at her. Amy couldn't help but stare back. Suddenly, something touched her hand. She snapped out of her fantasies, and looked at what had nearly given her a heart attack. It was the papers.

"Where'd ya find the relic?" Sonic asked.

"In Mystic Ruins."

"Wait... I've heard of a shrine there... it said the artifact ran on something... I forgot what it was called... Chow Rubies?

"Chaos Emeralds?" Amy said excitingly, seeing where this was going. Sonic snapped his fingers.

"That's it! Chaos Emeralds!"

"There's only one shrine in Mystic Ruins, and that's where I found don't think?.."

"That the relic runs on Chaos Emeralds?" Sonic did a genuine grin, and Amy's face lit up with the fact that the handsome hedgehog in front of her had solved what she was trying to figure out for about four months. She jumped out of her seats, and grabbed Sonic's face, and kissed him. Sonic immediately kissed back, and started using tongue despite this being his first kiss, as well as hers. His hands shot to her waist, and her hands shot to Sonic's neck. The younger couple across the cafe were watching their older siblings make out, wishing they were like that.

Amy and Sonic pulled away, and Amy saw the time. She packed her stuff, and told Cream that it was time to go. Before she left the coffee shop, Sonic grabbed her wrist, and said:

"Same time, tomorrow?" Sonic looked at Amy with lovestruck eyes.

"Or you could just come to my house. Here's my address." Amy handed Sonic a strip of paper with Amy's number and address. Sonic was smiling like an idiot as he saw Amy wink at him. Tails walked over to Sonic. He waved his hands in front of him.

"Welp, he's in love." Tails said.

"He's not the only one..." Lyra said. Tails looked at her with a confused expression.

"What do you mean?"

"I see how you look at Cream. Or should I say... Creampuff?" Lyra had a smirk present on her lips.


Hoped ya liked it!

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