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Sonic was over at Amy's house, enjoying some cookies and tea, because goddamnit, her double chocolate-chip cookies were to die for.

"Thanks for inviting me over, Ames. These cookies are sooo good!" Sonic moaned in delight. Amy giggled.

"You're welcome, Sonic. I made some for Tails, but the poor little guy was up all night working on an invention, so I put some cookies on the counter for him, and wrote a note, so he knows I made them." Amy said, as she put the tray down on the coffee table. "Anyways, I'm going to change, you can turn on the T.V. Okay?" Sonic nodded. She went to her room, and Sonic watched as her sway her hips. He got a little excited, but controlled it. He turned his head back and turned on the T.V. Please be Comedy Chimp, please be Comedy Chimp-

And it's a drama. Wait no. It's a play. It's Hamilton. Wait, wasn't it supposed to be on Disney Plus on July 3rd? Oh welp, might as well watch this. Sonic remembered the time he and the gang found Amy's script, and they acted to it. He looked in the drawer that it was originally in, only to find a book labeled 'Sonadow.' Curious to what it was, he opened it, and skimmed to a random chapter. It said 'Pregnancy Test.' He started reading until he realized that Shadow and himself were the protagonists of the story. Shadow was the pregnant one. This book was in Amy's house. In. Her. Drawer.

"Okay I'm back-" Amy stopped in her tracks when she saw Sonic holding the book. She immediately thought of excuses and stories to why she had that book. She wrote it, but was glad that she hadn't written her name down in the book, otherwise it would get very weird between them. "That's n-not mine..." Sonic appeared quite flustered.

"Then who does it belong to?" Sonic asked, his eyes twitching in what seemed to be anger.

"...Would you believe me if I said it belonged to Lyra?" Amy replied, hoping Sonic would actually fall for that.

"Makes sense, I guess. I mean, I thought she" Sonic blushed deeper while saying.

"S-she has many ships, so don't expect her to have just one..." She knew that Lyra had OCD's when even thinking about Sonadow, but it was the only reasonable excuse she had, she didn't want it to become awkward between them.

"O-Oh...y-you haven't read this, have you?" He asked her.

"I saw the title and understood immediately..." She said cautiously. She knew Sonic very well, but at a time like this, she was very confused as to what his reaction would be.

"That girl is going to publicly humiliate me one day." Sonic nervously chuckled. Amy repeated his actions, not sure of what to do now.

"I-I'll give it back to her later, why don't you just eat the cookies and pretend you never saw that?" Amy said in a rushed expression. Sonic noticed and decided not to think too much of it.

"...Okay..." He hesitated before saying.

- TIME SKIP!!!! -

Amy was sitting in her room, doing something on her laptop that had her complete focus, Sonic observed. He made some sounds on purpose to see how Amy would react, but she didn't even seem to notice.

"What is she doing? She's never this distracted." Sonic thought out loud, only to hear Amy giggle while typing something in. She looked like she was about to swoon. She started cracking up, and put the laptop on the edge of the bed, which was on the other side, and she got on her back and tried to take deep breaths. Sonic snuck in through her windows, which have no glass and are covered by tapestries. He started reading whatever she was typing and saw Shadow's name.

Sonamy OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now