Sonamy AU

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So, this is kind of based on the famous Wattpad story, Pinky (AU) by: @XxSA_ChillidogsxX but it's also kind of not, because they aren't dating yet in that story? Anyways, this is just something I've been dreaming about.

   "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Screams echoed the hospital walls, patients in the labour ward were cringing, while doctors on the other hand, were used to the screams, as it happened everyday. To Sonic and Amy, however, it did not. Those were Amy's screams. Why is she screaming, you ask? Well, let's find out.

Amy was panting. It hurt too much. She lost count of how many children came out of her. Three, maybe? Or four? She felt too tired to continue, but the doctors, told her to keep pushing. She looked over to her side, and saw the love of her life. He was right there, smiling. Amy had no idea why this man was smiling. Was it because she was giving birth to his children? Or the fact that Amy was killing his hand, and he tried not to show the pain? Either way, Sonic was being a supportive husband.

"Just one more push, Mrs. The Hedgehog, you can do this!" the Doctor said, adding more painkillers to ease the pain. Amy did one last push, and her head fell back.

"A-Amy?!" Sonic cracked, getting scared. What happened? Why did she suddenly close her eyes?

"Don't worry, Mr. The Hedgehog, she's perfectly fine. She's just exhausted. She did gave birth to seven darling baby hedgehogs after all, it's best to let her rest," one of the nurses exclaimed. "While she's asleep, you can look at your children!" Sonic followed the nurse over to where his babies were sleeping. Yes, when they came into the world, they caused a lot of noise (excluding the last one), but now here they were. His children. Sonic felt something in his heart. A never-ending burst of pride. They were his children, and they'd always be. His wife gave birth to seven precious hedgies. He touched their foreheads, from oldest to youngest.

He got to the last one, who was, surprisingly awake. Sonic looked at her eyes carefully. They weren't both the same color. One eye was his own emerald eyes, while the other was Amy's sparkly jade green eyes. He looked at her quills. They were royal blue with cherry pink tips. A complete fusion of her parents.

"Hi there, little angels. You might not remember, but I'm the one who's been singing you lullabies when you were in your mommy's tummy. My name is daddy, and I'm going to love you forever and ever. No one will ever hurt you."

"Don't tell me you already named them yourself?" Amy sat up a little, with bags under her eyes.

"Don't worry, Ames. I wouldn't do that. You'd hate me for that." Sonic walked over to her, and kissed her on the cheek.

"Out of the way, old man. I wanna see my little bundles of joy!" Amy exclaimed, that same look Sonic made when he first saw the children. Sonic walked over to the glass bassinets that the babies were sleeping in. He took the oldest, who was on the left to Amy. A nurse who was checking Amy, walked back with a clipboard in hand to ask the names of each baby.

"This is the oldest one. She might've cried the loudest out of all seven." Sonic gently placed the baby into Amy's arms. Amy started to cry. The nurse was sniffling too, and covered her face with the clipboard.

"Angelica~" Amy sang softly. She said it as if Angelica from Hamilton. Amy looked up to the nurse, and said "Angelica Euphrosyne Athena the Hedgehog." The nurse just nodded and repeated the name while writing the name. Angelica was a pinkish-coral colored hedgehog with blue highlights in her quills. She had two bangs on her forehead. She had emerald eyes like her dad. She kissed her baby all over, until Angelica made an annoyed sound. Euphrosyne meant 'merriment.'

"It makes sense why you named her Angelica!" the nurse giggled. (Angelica Schuyler Church was a very confident woman, and she always spoke of her rights back then during the American Revolution, she was quick-witted, and had a sassy comeback for everything.) Athena was the Greek Goddess of Courage, law, wisdom, justice, and war strategy.

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