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   "Hi! What's your name?" A cobalt hedgehog, with the eyes of emeralds asked.

"R-," the pink girl stopped herself. This was someone new, he didn't know her's best if he just called her by... "A-Amy. Amy Rose." That's much better. She didn't want to be called by her childhood nickname. She wanted to be called by a much mature name. Her realname.

"Well, it's nice to meetcha Amy! Say, do you know why Metal Me captured you? There's always a reason behind why he does dumb stuff like that." the child, who looked about 11, said with concern. The young girl fell in love immediately. 'Amy', jumped up, and tackled the blue stranger. He started struggling in her grasp, trying to squirm free.

"Can't-...BREATHE!" Amy immediately let go, her 'true love' panting, as though he had just ran a marathon (which would be easy for him) After a few moments, Amy's hero had stood back up, regaining his confident posture. "I'm-" His introduction was interrupted by the squeal of the little Rose in front of him.

"Sonic the Hedgehog! I've heard of you! My tarot cards told me that I'd be destined to meet you! So we'll fall in love, get married, have children, grow old together, and be loved forever! Doesn't that sound romantic, my hero?" Amy looked to her side and noticed that Sonic had zipped off, thinking that she was another one of his crazed fangirls. But little did he know...


"SONIC!" A 15 year old Sonic, whose name was called by his 12 year old friend, Amy Rose, was glomped from behind. He tried pulling her off, but gave up, as she had immense strength. He liked the attention Amy gave him, but her clingy actions, not so much. Amy let go, and he turned around to face her.

"Uhh...Hey, Ames. Nice to see ya!" Sonic exclaimed, hoping she wouldn't unexpectedly glomp him again.

"Is everyone here?" Tails asked. He looked around, checking everyone off in his mind. "Okay then! Get ready!" Tails put the camera on a ten second timer, and hurried to his spot next to Knuckles. Amy clung onto Sonic's arm, planting a kiss on his cheek as the camera flashed into the team's eyes. Not only was Team Sonic in the picture, but Team Dark and Team Rose. The Chaotix were there as well. The picture was printed out so everyone got a copy. Amy hung it over her bed.


"So, I heard a specific someone was out on a date." Sonic scowled at his petite pink friend. His quills had become a slight bit darker during the years, like a royal blue color. He had overheard Rouge talking to Cream about Amy going out with someone. That someone being Shadow. "What were you gonna do with Shadow?" Amy noticed how his voice seemed dark...


He couldn't be...


"Sonic...Since when do you care about me going out with other people?" She could've sworn she saw red on his cheeks. To be honest, she was blushing the whole time because Sonic was leaning on the wall right next to her.

"I-I'm your friend, and it's my job you don't get heartbroken or hurt by anyone-"

"Like you used to all these years?!" Amy snapped. Both her and the blue hedgie looked shocked at her sudden and rude outburst. "I don't like him, he just needed love advice for someone..." Amy turned her head down. Sonic's glare was piercing through her pink head. Sonic's finger went down to Amy's chin, and lifted her face up. She was crying. Amy's ears were flat against her head, and Sonic felt guilty. "I-I'm sorry, Sonic. I didn't mean to..." Sonic bent down and brushed her lips against his. Amy's face and ears went bright red.

Amy, being the stubborn hedgie that she was, pressed her lips onto Sonic's roughly, as if it was the last thing they could ever do. Sonic happily returned the favor. He licked her lips, and she happily allowed entrance. As Sonic put his hands on her waist, the sound of a camera clicking could be heard. Sonic and Amy pulled away, their bodies tingling with excitement.

"GOT IT!" Tails yelled and his mouth was covered by Rouge and was tackled by Cream into the bush making sure they weren't seen. Sonic and Amy sweatdropped at the stalkers in the bush.


"Who said that Sonic would propose within five months of dating?" Rouge asked, while all their friends dove into chocolate cake.

"Me!" Cream and Tails yelled simultaneously. Shadow and Knuckles groaned, taking out fifty mobiums from their wallets. Amy giggled.

"Couldn't you have done it a bit later, faker?" Shadow grumbled.

"But Shadow! I would've proposed to Sonic if he'd waited a bit longer." Amy said, stroking Sonic's knuckles under the table.

"Wait, we had a bet for that, too! Who guessed that Amy'd propose first?" Silver asked. Everyone excluding Cream and Tails gave took their money out.

"This money is to convince Amy to get off of life control!" A drunk Vector cheered.

"Life control? Oh my Chaos, Amy are you dying?" Sonia, Sonic's triplet sister asked.

"I think Vector meant birth control. But how do you know about that?" Amy asked, startled by Vector knowing a private fact.

"Oh, Sonic said how he'd been dying to have babies with you." The crocodile hiccuped.

"Well, that urge can now be fulfilled! Make us nieces and nephews! Make a lot of'em!" Rouge exclaimed, handing a bag with the specific 'necessities' of a honeymoon. Amy turned red when she saw what was in the bag. Tomorrow night would sure be fun.


"I'M GOING TO F***ING KILL YOU FOR THIS, SONIC THE HEDGEHOG!!!" We move on, as we see Amy Rose the Hedgehog screaming into Sonic's ear while she had contractions, and was struggling to push.

A child's crying could be heard.

Amy looked over to her husband, who had fainted on the ground. He gave a thumbs up and said "Worth it." Amy was given her child, and decided to go with a name similar to Sonic's, but the name would depend on what the child looked like. A royal blue hedgehog with streaks of navy blue and indigo softly squeaked and nuzzled into Amy's chest.

"Say cheese." Amy smiled and looked up to see her friends all standing there, watching the new mother bond with her baby.


"Hey Ames! Where are you? I just put Blur to bed!~" Sonic said in a sing-song voice.

"I'm in the attic!" Amy yelled softly, making sure she didn't wake her little hedgie up. Sonic's head appeared through the attic door.

"Whatcha lookin' at?" He asked, as he laid next to his wife.

"I'm just looking at memories." Amy showed him the album.

There was the photo from when they first met,

The photo celebrating their one-year anniversary as getting together as a team,

The photo of Sonic and Amy's first real kiss,

The photo of Amy and Sonic being declared as bride and groom,

And the photo of Sonic and Amy's first child.

Sonic knew for certain that there'd be many more photos to come.

"Sometimes you will never know the value of a moment until it becomes a memory."

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