Sonamy AU #2

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Before you start reading the story, I just wanted to let you know that this is a different AU, than the other one. This one is where Sonic's in the mafia, and he's hiding his true identity from Amy. He speaks in Portuguese, but in this story, he'll speak Spanish, because Portuguese is harder for me to understand and speak, so I'm going with Spanish. (Because I am LMAO) What'll happen when he tells an order to one of his men in Spanish, unaware that Amy understands?

(Amy's POV)

I was sitting in my apartment watching T.V, until I heard the door unlock. Standing there was my boyfriend, Sonic. He was wearing a black fedora and a white dress shirt, which was kind of open at his chest. Oh my Chaos, that chest fur. It's not a lot, but it's still there. He looked at me and then the clock, and walked over. I smiled, while his was more smug.

"Hi, Sonikku. How was your day?" I asked him, as he cuddled besides me. He rested his face in the crook of my neck and nuzzled.

"It was alright. What about you?" He said, licking my neck a little. It made me squirm a little.

"It was good, I wrote a few recipes, so I tried making them at the bakery. Everyone liked it, and a lot of people bought it. I brought some for you." I could tell that he was smiling on my neck.

"Where is it?" I pointed to the kitchen, and he ran to find the cupcake box. His mouth was covered in it, and he was moaning in delight. My face started heating up for some reason, but I ignored it. Sonic turned and noticed that I was staring at him, and that just caused my face to become more red. He smirked again, and devoured the last cupcake, and walked back to me. While he was walking, he got a phone call, probably from Knuckles, and went to my bedroom to answer it. I suddenly remembered that I left my phone in there, and I was in contact with Sonic's mother, so I tip-toed to the door and put my ear against it.

"What?! Find it, Knuckles." Sonic's voice was booming from the other side of the door, and he seemed angry.

"Boss, relax, we're trying. Besides, you don't want your girlfriend eavesdropping in this conversation, do you?" I heard Knuckles's voice from over the phone, but not all the way.

"Shut up, I don't think she would do that anyways, she respects my privacy. My Chaos, I love her..."

"Can you talk in Spanish though, you never know..." I knew Sonic could speak Spanish, but he didn't know that I could too. I heard a sigh.

"Lo quiero muerto, Knuckles. ¿entiendes?" (I want him dead, Knuckles. Do you understand?) Wait a minute... Muerto means dead. Why would Sonic want to kill somebody? Wait, no. Maybe he's saying that in a figurative way? A metaphor, perhaps?

"Sí señor. Tenemos hombres que le detectan ya que hablamos." (Yes sir. We have men tracking him down as we speak) Tracking him down? Probably to get him in jail, I guess.

"Perfecto, ha pasado mucho tiempo desde que tuve el placer de dispararle a alguien." (Perfect, it's been a long time since I've gotten the pleasure of shooting someone.) Okay, now those innocent thoughts are gone. He's actually talking about killing. Shooting somebody to be exact. I thought Sonic worked with boats and vehicles? Or at least, that's what he tells me. Wait, no, Silver told me that.

"¿Alguna vez le dirás a Amy que estás en la mafia?" (Are you ever going to tell Amy that you're in the mafia?) I almost choked, but made a silent gasp. I realized that Sonic went silent and whispered something else to Knuckles, so I quickly (but silently) ran to the kitchen, which was right next to the living room. On the other side of the T.V, was my room. Luckily the t.v. was at a good enough volume. My ears twitch as I hear Sonic walk out of my room. I caught him staring at me. Thank Chaos I'm a professional liar.

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