1930's SonAmy~

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"Ya have the greens?" A briefcase was slammed onto the desk by a two-tailed fox.

"Along with the hooch, boss," The figure in the background could be seen smirking, tipping his fedora down, to reveal devious emerald eyes. The figure smiled. They were currently in a speakeasy, which wasn't allowed in these times.

"Perfect. You truly are my right hand man, Tails." Sonic handed Tails a few bills and told him to follow. They found themselves in a bar, still open, and still popular. Sonic's eyes caught a pink and red woman, quite thin, but was quite the dame. He kept in mind to ask her name later on. He sat down in a private booth in the back, which also had a good view of the pink hedgehog singer. The lady looked towards Sonic and saw that he was staring back at her. She winked at him, not missing a single beat in her song. She incorporated a chest voice switch to falsetto range, not a very common and easy thing to master when singing. Sonic was impressed, and didn't notice the fact that Tails was trying to speak to him.

"Boss! You shouldn't fall for Amy Rose. She may look like a doll, but she can play a con like it's chess!" Tails tried explaining the fair Rose's tricks, but he didn't know that all his remarks were falling on deaf ears. He walked up to the girl once she left the stage, offering her to have a drink with him. She happily accepted the request and they kicked off from there. The pink hedgehog actually began to fall for the blue hedgehog, and didn't want to play around with him, she wanted to have a real relationship with Sonic. For a mysterious reason, they broke up, Amy was personally terrified that he found out she was a con artist. Sonic didn't know why he left her, but it must've been for a good reason. Not.

Revolving around Amy; Two months later)

Amy was running through an alleyway in the city, two drunk males with smirks on their faces hot on her stiletto heels. She took them off and ran with them in her hands. The more valuable things were stowed somewhere safer. She looked behind her to see them gone. She let out a relieved sigh, and wiped the sweat off her head. She looked forward and found the two drunkards right in front of her. She looked to her side to find a wall and looked behind her to find a man in the shadows.

"Ey, back off, we foun' her first!" The taller man said. The man in the shadows let out a chuckle.

"Not a really good idea to bother little girls, now is it?" The person came out of the shadows and tipped his fedora once again, revealing Sonic the Hedgehog. The two men who were chasing Amy previously widened their eyes.

"I-It's Sonic the Hedgehog! He's a legend!" The other drunk one exclaimed in excitement. Amy squinted through the dark to clearly see the hedgehog, only to realize that it was her ex, Sonic. Sonic had a smug grin.

"I'm touched that you consider me a legend. Now, why don't you scram, and try not to harass any more girls on the way? Are we clear?" His voice shifted from cheery, to serious in the last sentence.

"Of course, sir! B-by the way, I'm Marcus, and this is L-Louie, we're also in the same business," Marcus stuttered and bowed.

"Oh really? I don't care. Now split." Sonic spat out coldly and the two males obeyed, running out of the alley. "You okay?" Sonic's eyes appeared to have some genuine concern, but then again, it could've been an act.

"You know I could've handled that by myself, right?" Amy questioned in an unamused tone.

"Pfft, don't make me laugh. You couldn't even defend yourself when my men chased after you, claiming something about your 'reputation!'" Sonic laughed unemotionally. Amy frowned.

"You are literally a mob boss! And you talk trash about my hard work. Be happy that I actually fell for you, instead of trying to take your money," She stepped closer to him, her eyes challenging him. He thought for a few seconds, his eyes never leaving hers.

"Well, my money was earned, sweetheart. I didn't steal it or try to con it out of anyone's hands unless it was necessary," he ascended towards her. "Oh? Are you intending that my money was not earned? You do crimes, honey, so don't even start." They were nose to nose at this point, their eyes locked intensely, until they slowly led their lips together, spilling all the passion they had restricted inside themselves, never letting anyone else have even a sip of it. Sonic missed the feeling of her soft lips, and Amy longed for more of that dominance Sonic had always tried to proclaim. They pulled apart, slightly panting. "...Why?" Sonic looked up, confusion written across his face. "What do you mean?" He responded as a question.

"We had no problems when we were together, but yet, here we are, two months later and I don't even remember what happened," she sniffed, tears threatening to fall down.

"I don't know what happened either, but I'll promise you one thing," he held her hands in his own. "We are never going to break apart like that. That is, if you'll accept me into your heart again?" He asked her, putting his hand on her cheek gently. Amy smiled and put her hand on his. "Of course, Mr. the Hedgehog. I love you no matter what you may be, and whatever you may have done." He kissed her again and spun her around. She giggled uncontrollably, her hands on his shoulders. They went back to Sonic's mansion.

"And that's how your father and I got together." Amy's lips were curved upwards as she held two baby hedgehogs. One was teal with Amy's bangs and eyes, and the other looked like Sonic, but was a girl. She knew that they were too young to understand, but she couldn't help but tell them the story. "I don't think they understood what they were telling you, Ames," the older hedgehog told his wife. He kneeled down and kissed her on the cheek, before taking the kids from her and bounced them on his knee. They both chortled in happiness.


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