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Amy was walking back home from another day of chasing Sonic. She seemed a little annoyed, because Sonic seemed to have taken a different path today, so he made Amy wait at the chilidog stand for two hours. The man running the chilidog stand later told her that he had bought a chilidog three hours before she came. 'What a waste of time,' she thought.

Once she got home, she decided the best thing to do was to calm down with a shower. She put a towel around her body, and opened her bedroom window.

"Hey, Ames." Amy jumped three feet away from the sound, her towel slipping a little. Sonic was laying on a branch of a tree that was right next to Amy's window.

"What are you doing here? And at this time!" She whisper-yelled at him. He only chuckled at her.

"Why are you awake at this time, huh? Expecting me to serenade you through your window?" He joked, but Amy wasn't so happy about that.

"NO, I was expecting you to seduce me." She lied. That made Sonic take her seriously.

"Don't you think that you're the one seducing?" Amy was puzzled by his comment. He pointed to her towel, which was hanging loosely on her body, barely showing the tips of her breasts. She didn't care, she just covered it up, the towel going up a little, showing thighs. Sonic, who was trying not to be a pervert, looked away, occasionally glancing.

"You sure are a pervert, aren't you?" Amy said, giggling a bit, having a sudden urge to pounce on him and take him there. She fought back, biting her lip.

"No! I just accidently saw and didn't know how to tell you without-, you know," he stuttered on his words, not knowing how to continue.

"Whatever. Why are you here, though?" She asked, just wanting to fall asleep.

"Yeesh, Ames, I just wanted to talk, that's all. And where better to talk than under the stars?" He raised his eyebrows up and down, trying to make Amy seem impressed. She only seemed annoyed. Sonic had no other choice but to grab her and take her without her permission.

"SONIC! WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?! LET ME DOWN!" He didn't listen to her complaints, however, he just wanted to get her to their destination.

"Here we are!" Sonic exclaimed, hoping she'd be just as excited as she was. After a few moments of collecting herself and remembering that she isn't spinning anymore, she looked around. It was a treehouse, with an open roof. It had a very comfy-homey touch to it. There was a bundle of blankets and pillows on the floor, and that seemed to make her ecstatic the most.

They stared up at the sky for a bit, just standing there, taking in the beauty. Sonic, however, was taking in the beauty of the petite, barely covered hedgie. He walked up to her, and said something that shocked Amy's heart.

"Just let me hold your hand for a bit." He said, looking into her sparkling jade eyes. There were so many different shades of jade in her eyes, it was like a painting, although her eyes were even more radiant than one. He squeezed her hand, resulting in her doing the same.

Sonic scooped her up again, and put her on the bundle, and snuggled up with her. The treehouse was very open, so they had a full view of the open sky. Despite being in her towel, Amy cuddled up against him, her chest against the side of his chest. That made Sonic blush profusely. They stared at the beauty of the night sky, the stars twinkling, the constellations making out the best of them. They soon saw a wishing star, and both wished for the same thing.

To be loved for all eternity.

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