Sonic Babies

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Amy and Tails stood in shock as three baby hedgies and a baby echidna were on the floor, gurgling at the sight of the older hedgehog and fox.

"T-They just turned into babies..." Tails murmured. "I told them to stay away from the machine. What do they do? Go near the machine. Chaos, now I have to fix this...Amy, I hope you're not ma-" Tails turned around to find Amy laying on the floor, while baby Sonic was nuzzling Amy's cheek, baby Silver was climbing onto her stomach, baby Knuckles was chewing on Amy's thumb, and baby Shadow was rested on Amy's legs.

"I had no idea they were so CUTE as babies!" Amy gushed as Silver giggled at her. Amy got up and scooped them all up into her lap and cuddled with them.

"Hey Amy, do you mind watching them while I find a way to reverse this?" Tails asked the pink hedgie, who had stars in her eyes.

"Yeah! Don't you have a stroller from when you were younger?" Amy replied, and stood up. She saw a red chaos emerald, and assumed that it was Shadow's, so she gave it to Tails to keep safe.

"Yup, it's under that table, Cream used it last week for Cheese's kids." Amy nodded, and grabbed the stroller, and put everyone in, or at least three of them in...

"SONIC!" Amy screamed. Baby Sonic had wires in his hand, and even though he was a baby, he still had that annoying smirk of his. "Put the wire down, or you will be in time-out faster than you can run!" Sonic dropped the wires immediately and Amy could see tears starting to make its way down his cheeks. She ran to him and hugged him close to her. "I'm so sorry, Sonikku. I promise I won't yell at you like that, again. Or at least while you're a baby. All you have to do is be a good boy to me. That applies to you three as well," Amy looked at the infants which were playing with the stuffed animals in the stroller.

"M...Mama!" Everyone suddenly went so quiet, you could hear a pin drop. Sonic giggled and continued to babble. Even Knuckles, and Silver started saying 'mama.' Shadow only grunts, and mutters something that sounded like "momma." Amy squealed and scooped them out of the stroller and hugged them once again.

She put them down into the stroller, again, and gave them pecks on the cheeks, and then giggled.

"Your older selves would kill me if I did that." Amy walked out of the workshop, leaving Tails processing everything that just happened.

- In The Village -

"Now listen here, boys. You have to be on your best behavior, and no crying. Got it?" She commanded the boys, but they only tilted their head. "...Let's just you do." She walked with the stroller, earning many odd stares from the villagers, but Amy didn't seem to notice. "Let's see, Shadow likes coffee beans, Silver likes honey, Knuckles likes grapes, Sonic likes chilidogs...There isn't any chilidog flavored baby food...I'll buy some of this, and if he doesn't like it, I'll just blend up the chillidog!" She bought everything, until she saw Blaze, Rouge, and Lyra standing near a boutique. She walked over to them (Let's talk about her outfit first)

She's wearing a Ditsy Floral Print Square Neck Dress With a white sun-hat with roses on the side.

"Why do these little guys look like our boys?" Rouge asked with interest, focusing mainly on Knuckles.

"Oh, you know, I fucked all four of them and gave birth to their kids. Their names are Dash, Emo, Weed, and Steroids." Amy sarcastically said. Blaze and Rouge looked frightened for a moment before they realized that she was only kidding. "They're the boys, I have to take care of them. Long story short, they got into an age-changer invention thing, and they all turned into babies. Aren't they the cutest? Especially little Sonic." She bent down and started cooing to him. "Yes? Who's the cutest little baby in the whole universe? You are! Yes you are, yes you are~!" The girls watched as Amy fangirled over her crush as an infant.

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