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Zonic/all the males: 21

Zamy/ and basically all the females: 18

It was a normal day in No Zone, and there were zone cops running around Headquarters, getting to their missions. A zonecop in particular was just roaming around the place.

"Hey, Zonic!" Zails, the scientist/mechanic of Zone Cop Headquarters yelled at the zone cop. "Ms. Zamy is asking for you, Zector, and Zespio." Zonic nodded.

"Thanks, Zails." And with that, he zoomed off to Zamy's office. Zector and Zespio were already inside.

"Where were you?" Zector whispered to Zonic. He just shrugged. The chair behind the desk of where they were standing at spinned around. It revealed an 18 year old pink hedgehog with a white office blouse, and a black pencil skirt with a slit on her left leg's side. She had her hair in a bun, a few strands of curly quills messily placed in with a bobby pin. It was, Zamy Rose.

"Oh! Zonic, finally. Now that all three of you are here, I would like to address two things. Number one," Amy stood up, and leaned against her desk. "You failed to catch Zcourge. Again." She had a disapproving face as Zector whistled, nodding his head to the side, gesturing that it was Zonic's fault they got away. Zamy looked towards Sonic. He sighed.

"That son of a b-" He looked at Zamy to find that she was not amused with what he was about to say. "...I mean, Zcourge, was insulting you, and I got outta control and started beating him up-

"-and started destroying anything within a one mile radius." Zector interrupted. Amy just glared at Zonic.

"Thank you for defending my name, Zonic." She went back to her office chair and sat. That's when Zonic noticed that her quills were a little out of place, and her office blouse was pulled down a little. "Anyways, I have Zhadow and Zilver working on that. "Number two, Zails has found some new leads on a mission that we're debating on. We don't know whether to abandon the case, or continue. We don't even know what it would result to finding out! It's stressing me out!" Zamy was their friend, but also their boss. No wonder her blouse looked out of place.

"Don't worry, Ms. Zamy. We'll go to Zails to ask for the leads, and we'll try to figure something out." Zespio spoke up. Zamy nodded. Zector and Zespio left, while Zonic stayed in place.

"Well?" Zamy asked, not taking her eyes off the paperwork she was skimming through.

"Aren't you going to lecture me about letting my anger get the best of me?!" Zonic snapped at her. She seemed unfazed by his actions.

"Actually, I'm in a good mood, and I want the people around me to feel happy too. But, I like scolding you when I'm happy too. It's usually a source of my happiness." Zonic looked annoyed, but decided not to think too much of it.

"C'mon, babe." He sat on the desk, and leaned his face towards her. She nudged her face away, a small smirk visible. He pulled at the bow of her blouse, causing her to lean forward.

"W-What are you doing?!" Zamy asked, feeling a little spooked at his actions. He slammed his lips against hers, and continued in a compassionate, little bit of tongue kiss. He licks his lips, and pulled back.

"Mind telling me why you're wearing a pencil skirt with a slit?" He took a breath, trying not to let his inner-feelings do something unexpected right on the spot. "And a blouse that shows cleavage?" He asked, dragging his finger along her cheek.

"I'm having a sleepover with the girls." Zonic held a laugh in.

"A sleepover? What are you? Eleven?" Zonic burst out, falling to his back and started laughing hysterically. Zamy just kicked his foot. Once he was relaxed, he went over and hugged her from behind, taking in the rosy scent of her quills. "Baby, I'm sorry!" He kissed her neck. "Why are you so excited though?"

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