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Hey guys! SO, I decided to make a one-shot on how Amy's feeling very stressed, and her feelings on top of that make it harder for her to be happy. How will Sonic feel once he finds out? Let's GO!!!!

Amy was sitting at Tails's house, listening to Tails identify his newest invention, and was smiling, as if she were listening, but the only thing she was listening to was her thoughts.

'Ugh, don't you have better things to do, Pinky?" her thoughts kept focusing on when she'd get to go. She started going to far in thinking and ended up hurting her own feelings. 'Yeesh, you're so weak, no wonder no one likes you.' Amy widened her eyes, realizing that everyone had their eyes on her.

"Uhm, why is everybody staring at me?" Amy asked, not liking the sudden attention.

"We were asking if we could have dinner at your place?" Sticks said.

"OH. Uhh...o-of course! I'll go home and start. What does everyone want?"

"CHILI DOGS." Sonic yelled, kneeling down, begging Amy to make them.

"Eh, I'm fine with whatever you make, Amy." Sticks said. Amy smiled, not sure whether to take that as a compliment. Amy looked at Tails.

"Cookies for dessert, Tails?" Amy asked, smirking.

"You know me, Amy! You're chocolate chip cookies are the best things that ever happened to me!" Amy felt tears coming, this was too much for her to take. She ran towards Tails and hugged him, and then hugged Sticks, and Sonic, lingering a bit during his turn. As she was about to turn to Knuckles, Rouge slammed the door open, and bent down to control her breathing.

"Eggman's...*pant*...attacking...the *pant* village." Sonic immediately got up, still a bit giddy from Amy's unexpected sign of affection, and sped off. Rouge, flew by Amy as they all ran. "What's up with Blue Boy today? He seemed a little excited, did you kiss him?" Rouge asked the petite pink girl.

"OH NO, no, no, No, no, NO Rouge! I just gave him a hug." Amy exclaimed while blushing.

"But you wish you could more, right?" Rouge said, nudging her elbow at Amy. Amy turned red, trying to hide the fact her heart was hammering. The team made it to the battle scene, finding Eggman in his Eggmobile waiting to introduce his newest robot.

"OH Ho, ho, ho, this robot is sure to get rid of that pesky blue rat!" Eggman laughed evilly, while the villagers just rolled their eyes and watched the fight.

"You keep calling him a 'pesky blue rat,' just call him something else! Maybe...," Lyra stared off into space for a few moments. "DEFORMED PINEAPPLE!" Amy was the only one that giggled. Sonic glared at her. Amy just smirked at him, and sent a blowing kiss. Sonic went giddy and red again.

"Ok, let's take this from the top. OHOHOHO, THIS ROBOT IS SURE TO GET RID OF YOU, YOU DEFORMED BLUE PINEAPPLE!" Eggman shifted to the side, to reveal a 20 foot tall robot, with lasers, missiles, and shooters on its arms, legs, and head. Everyone went straight for it, Sonic being in the lead. The missiles fired, but were quickly dodged. Then the lasers started firing, and that started to get tough. Along with the crabbots and beebots in the background, it was gonna put up a lot of effort. Knuckles and Tails got blasted away leaving Shadow, Rouge, Amy, Silver, Sonic, and Lyra left. Suddenly a missile was fired, and pushed Rouge aside before exploding. It didn't cause too much damage to her, but she fell to the ground, caught by Knuckles.

"Come on Hedgie Squad, we can do this!" Lyra said, stabbing the beebots with her scythe.

"Don't call us that ever again." Shadow muttered, running towards the back of the robot. That wasn't a very smart idea, because there were lasers and missiles at the back too. Shadow got blasted, and that only enraged him. He ran faster, but got shot by a laser. He gave up, needing a break. Lyra gave up too, because she just felt lazy. She was cautious though, she didn't feel like this would end well. Silver, Sonic, and Amy were left. Silver got annoyed with all the unnecessary scrap metal zooming around them and picked them up with his powers, and pushed them all together, and threw them to the side.

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