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(Dang it's barely been a week and I'm already at 381 views? Thanks!)

Everyone was at the beach today, either relaxing, sunbathing, playing in the sand or water. One specific hedgehog wasn't interested in anything but laying on his hammock, falling asleep by the sounds of the ocean waves. Unfortunately for him, his friends dragged him out of his shack.

      "Come on! Everyone is having fun outside, you should enjoy it with us!" His fox friend exclaimed. Tails was in a pair of shorts for some apparent reason, and he was holding a bucket and shovel.

       "No thanks, Tails. Not interested." Sonic said, attempting to walk back to his hut, before someone else stopped him.

       "Soniccccc, we're going to play volleyball, and I'm going against Shadow and Maria...they're the best players out of all of us..." Silver whined, as Sonic chucked.

      "Sorry, bud, I'm gonna have to sit this one out," the cocky blue hedgehog replied. Silver was scared. (Btw, Maria is a hedgehog in this one, I'm not on the mood to add Lyra)

They let Sonic go back to his shack, while complaining about how rude and inconsiderate he was being by rejecting their invitation to come out and let loose with them. Sonic lied down in his hammock, and put his hands behind his head. He thought about what Amy might be wearing. Right on cue, he heard an angelic voice chime out "I'm here!" He looked out from his curtain-less window, and smirked. Amy was wearing a red one-piece swimming outfit, it looked tight, but it fit her perfectly. It was backless, but stopped just a little above her tail.

He had heard someone mention his name, and he rushed back to his hammock. He saw Amy come in, and she put her hands on her hips. She cleared her throat, and glared at him.

       "Yes?" Sonic questioned lazily. He wanted to just pounce on Amy, but restricted himself to do so. Amy giggled, and sat beside him on the hammock, and her smile turned into a frown.

       "Why aren't you out with everyone else? Poor Silver is getting thrashed out there, literally! Why don't you help him out? I assure you, I won't let Knuckles throw you into the water again." She pleaded him. He put on some shades, and leaned back again.

      "Nope, sorry Ames. I need a break. Eggman barely ever gives us one, and being handsome takes a lot of energy and confidence.~" He wiggled his weird hedgehog eyebrow at her, and she blushed.

      "I can see that..." Amy responded in an unimpressed tone. Inside, she was impressed, but she couldn't let him know! Sonic felt his ego deflate, but still held his head high.

       "Hmph. Well, not even Tails could convince me to come out." He moved to his side, facing away from Amy. She got up and stomped her foot. She had a little tantrum on the spot, but quickly got an idea. She went outside.

      "I need someone to rub some suntan lotion on my back, please!~" Amy yelled out, kind of directing it out to Sonic's shack.

      "I'll do it, Amy!" Silver said, quickly running away from the volleyball court. Knuckles was behind him, shouting out the same response. Sonic obviously heard, and started fuming. How dare she ask them?! She was supposed to ask Sonic! He stomped outside, and grabbed the boys' necks, and sent a deadly glare through them, causing them to shiver in fear. Sonic smirked, and ran over to where Amy was laying, and smiled. What a nice, slender back. He took off his gloves so they wouldn't smell like suntan-lotion later on. He squeezed some lotion on, and started rubbing on her back.

Amy groaned, and instinctively stretched her back out. He continued to do so, his thumbs kneading on her spine. She squirmed a little, but was enjoying it. She made a tiny squeak as Sonic got carried away, and grabbed her tail. She turned around, ready to slap whichever boy had dared to do such, and stopped once she saw Sonic's mischievous face right in front of her surprised one. He rolled her over, and he tilted his head in an adorable fashion. That confused her even more. Then, something she had always dreamed of him taking, was taken...

Her lips had lost their virginity~

      "Shall we take this back to the shack?~" He asked. Her eyes widened and she found herself nodding. He picked her up and took her back to the shack, after Rouge and the girls quickly covered his windows with curtains.


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