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Amy's been acting weird these past few weeks. I mean, she isn't laughing at my jokes, and now I'm starting to get a little concerned. She never acts all serious. She's acting all distant from me! I tried hugging her in bed, but she flinched and ran to the bathroom. She wouldn't come out all night! She started wearing black hoodies and sweatpants. I tried to ask her what's wrong, but she always slips out of my grasp.

Today we're going out with our friends. We try to find time every week to just chill with our friends. Knuckles and Rouge are married, Tails and Cream are engaged. Amy and I are also married, but right now, she isn't talking to me. As soon as the girls came, they wanted to gossip, and Amy grudgingly followed them. I told the boys what was happening.

"Hey guys, Amy's acting all weird. She keeps flinching and twitching when I try to touch her." Knuckles looked up.

"I watch shows like these! It means she's hiding something!" I sat up, listening intently to what the dumb echidna had to say, while I sipped on some coke. "I'd say she's cheating on you!" I spat out my drink all over Knuckle's face.

"But, Amy's loyal! She'd never cheat on Sonic. She loves him, and knows that anyone who tries anything with her would die! There's no way that she's in an affair!" Tails yelled at Knuckles for his dumb theory. There's absolutely no way that she could cheat on me, right?

I looked over to see that she was gently nodding at the girls, before tightening her hood. Have I mentioned that she's wearing my sweatshirt? It doesn't fit her properly because of that small frame of her's. She sure is my wife. She is hiding something, but she couldn't be cheating on me. She's never on her phone, and she's always at home. We usually dance a lot, but ever since we had some...'fun,' she's made sure that she was as far away from me as possible. I thought that right now was the best time to confront her, because she looked a little more open than usual.

I walked over to where Amy and the girls were sitting and took Amy by the the arm, gently, and she looked up at me, her jade eyes confused and a bit spooked about me coming out of nowhere.

"Ames, can we talk?" I asked. Her eyes widened, Rouge made a 'wait-a-minute' look, and Cream was throwing imaginary daggers at me. I pulled Amy to the staircase of the house, and sat her down. I sat down next to her, and took her hands in mine.

"What do you need, Sonic?" Amy said, almost emotionlessly. It kinda hurt that she said it like that. I took a deep breath in, and hoped that what I was going to ask her wasn't true.

"A-Are you cheating on...me?" Amy's eyes look horrified as she backed up against the railings.

"What the fuck, Sonic?! Are you questioning my loyalty to you?!" She scoffed at his disgusting assumptions. She rolled her sleeve up to show her hand. A bright gold ring was shining on her fourth finger. "I wear my wedding ring with pride, Sonic the Hedgehog. What makes you think I'm cheating on you?!" She stood up and went to their room, and slammed the door loudly. A few moments later, a disapproving Rouge and Cream entered the picture.

"Did you actually think she was cheating on you? You are so disgusting, Sonic." Rouge spat out. She went up the stairs, Cream following. Sonic dragged himself back to where Knuckles and Tails were.

"What happened?" Knuckles asked, his mouth full of french fries. Sonic sighed.

"I asked her if she was cheating with me and she got upset. She asked if I was 'questioning her loyalty.' Then your women were eavesdropping on us, and now they're currently comforting her." Tails turned to Knuckles to smack him in the head.

"OW! What the fuck was that for?!" Knuckles yelled, rubbing at the place where Tails hit him.

"That was for telling Sonic to ask the dumbest question ever to Amy!" He snapped. They then looked at Sonic. He was banging his head against the coffee table.

"Sonic, just apologize." A female voice said. The person emerged from the kitchen. It was Lyra, Sonic's little sister. (MY STORY, I can decide whether I want my OC)


"To be honest, I just thought that she married you because you're rich, and you're the only person that loves her romantically." Knuckles said bluntly. That blunt dialogue of his might get him killed one day. Sonic glared at the red echidna. He just had to open his big mouth.

"LISTEN HERE, KNUCKLES, SHE'S THE SWEETEST YET FIERCEST WOMAN I KNOW. SHE IS EVERYTHING, BUT A GOLD DIGGER!" Sonic shouted. Knuckles however, seemed unfazed. "She never asks for anything. All she asked for was to be loved..." He stood up, determined to make her happy and feel loved again. "And that's exactly what I'm gonna do."


"HE THOUGHT I WAS CHEATING ON HIM! IS HE REALLY OBLIVIOUS TO ALL THE CLUES I'VE BEEN DROPPING?!" Amy cried as her friends tried to console her. She's been crying for five minutes.

"Amy, it's not healthy to stress. You know what could happen if you don't." Cream warned her. Amy nodded, and proceeded to take deep breaths. A gentle knock was heard at the door. Before anyone could say anything, Sonic barged in.

"You could've at least waited for someone to reply to the door." Sonic just shook his head.

"My house. I can enter any room I want." Amy scowled at what he had said.

"It's also rude to interrupt your wife's conversations, Sonic." She snarled at him. He just smiled. He then motioned for the other two to get out. They obeyed submitingly, their eyes telling Amy to not accept his apology without a fight. Amy was internally happy that he was going to apologize. She kind of regretted not telling him the truth. She knew better than anyone that he loved kids. A lot.

"Ames." He said, as he slowly walked to the bed. She turned away, avoiding his gaze. He slightly felt hurt for it, but then remembered that it was his fault. He sat on the bed, carefully turning Amy's small frame in his direction. "There's something you're hiding from me. What is it? You know that your problems are also mine, so if you have anything on your mind..." Amy tried to keep in a sob, but felt too emotional, which she never was. She was cheery, but also an expert at hiding her emotions.

She sobbed in her husband's chest, letting all the tears that she'd been hiding from him go out. Sonic comforted her, keeping her tight against his chest, but not too tight. She slowly leaned back and sniffled. Her glossy pink lips quivered.

"I-I'm...pregnant..." Sonic leaned back, shock filling his face. Amy examined it, trying to find hints of what he felt other than surprise. Unfortunetely for her, she couldn't read her lover's face.

"This...is...THE BEST DAY OF MY LIFE!~" He grabbed Amy and spun her around, before kissing her on the lips. He pulled up her sweatshirt, and gently stroked her stomach. "Hey there little guy, or girl. I'm your dad. I promise you that I'm going to be the best daddy ever! I'm going to make sure that you're always happy. Now, your mommy here, she doesn't need to try, because she's already the best mommy ever because she's carrying you three." Sonic's nuzzled his cheek into her stomach.

"You would make a good dad...Sonic." Amy said, before she was caught in another passionate kiss. She pulled away. "Besides, with my symptoms, I'm pretty sure that there's more than one baby." She walked away, leaving a flabbergasted Sonic standing there, processing everything she just said.

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