Romantic Kiss

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"Imma do both. I know, bold of me, but I just can't help myself! 'Hermosa' in Spanish means 'beautiful,' and 'Hermosa Señorita' means 'beautiful young lady.'

#7; Romantic kiss.

"Okay, so you're telling me, Amy and I have to go on a date, just to catch a fucking criminal?!" Sonic hollered at Tails. Tails knew that his reaction would be along the lines of screaming.

"Yes. My calculations report that the Mal Tipo (bad guy in Spanish) is hiding his recipe for destruction in the restaurant, and is planning to pour it in everyone's food. Luckily, I had a glimpse of the formula, and managed to make an antidote. He's going to try and poison you two first, if he'll recognize you, so when he's not looking, pour the sauce on to the food, and eat it." Tails told Sonic and Amy, while everyone else was in the background setting up computers that can help see what's going on around them.

"Uhm, if it's to stop a bunch of innocent people from dying, then okay." Amy said, twiddling her thumbs, seeming very nervous about this. Inside, both of them were really excited to go on a date, even if they were really undercover. Amy wore a simple red dress with a gold necklace, and some red flats. Sonic was wearing a matching red bow tie and fingerless black gloves. He wore some dress shoes, and put some gel in his quills.

"Welp, we should get going!" Sonic said, as he picked Amy up, and ran to the restaurant. Once they got there, Amy completely lost focus of the mission, and ignored what Sonic was saying

"Wow, this place is so romantic! I love it so much! OH, there are roses in crystal vases! Look at how sparkly they are!" Amy was fawning over everything, while Sonic was kind of upset how she was paying attention to the decor rather than him- I MEAN THE MISSION HEHEHEHEEHEH.

"Why don't we focus on our date, Ames?" Sonic asked through with a fake smile because a waiter was looking their way. Sonic grabbed Amy's waist, and kissed her cheek. That made Amy swoon. Sonic regained his trademark smirk. 'Yes! Still able to make her fangirl!'

"Sorry, Sonikku, it's just that this place is so much more romantic than stupid Meh Burger. OMG ARE THOSE LAVENDERS PLACED WITH WHITE GLITTER LACED COSMOS?! BLAZE! SILVER ARE YOU SEEING THIS?!" Amy whisper-yelled once she saw the flower arrangement at their reserved table. Sonic's hand never left her waist as they walked towards the table.

"Okay Sonic. Now, pull out a chair for Amy, and once she sits down, push it in, and act all lovey-dovey." Tails instructed him. Sonic rolled his eyes, but did it anyways.

"Thanks, Sonic~." Amy giggled at his gentleman act. Even if this was just a cover-up for what they were really here for, Amy was happy that Sonic and herself were chosen for the mission.

"Heh, you're welcome Amy." Sonic said, putting his nose under his finger, and his other hand behind his head. He sat down himself, and they both picked up the menu and hid their faces behind the pictures of delectable items it contained.

"Okay, Sonic, in about ten minutes, go to the bathroom, which I'll give you a projection of the map." Tails had Sonic and Amy put on contacts earlier, which allowed Tails to project maps and documents without causing damage to their eyes.

"So, it's on the other side of the restaurant." Sonic took a glance of the waiter and ducked down.

"Order something full of meat and protein." Tails told him. Sonic looked through the menu. He gasped loudly, causing some of the people dining to look at him.

"There are no chilidogs-"

"Goddamnit, Sonic, not all restaurants have chilidogs!" Amy snapped. Sonic's ears twitched.

"Yeesh, did you wake up on the wrong side of the bed or something?" Sonic inquired, not really intending that question to be heard by her.

"My bed's too big, maybe you could sleep on the other side?" She muttered, knowing that Tails and everyone else might've heard her, but she wasn't so sure about Sonic.

"What?" He asked, not quite hearing what Amy said.

"Psh...Nothing important," she stated with a sour tone. He didn't seem convinced, but tried to ignore her mood swings. He decided that it was her time of month.

"Hello, my name is Parker James, and I will be your waiter for tonight.~" He said in a flirtatious tone, directing it to Amy. She giggled nervously, obviously spotting it, and turned to Sonic for help.

"Hey, Papa Johns, or whatever your name is, can we get a chicken scampi. Babe, what would you like?" Amy's heart melted, then froze. This was all an act, she remembered. She didn't know that Sonic had yearned to call her that, to love her.

"I-I'll have a salad, baby." Amy stuttered. She was more than ecstatic to call Sonic by 'baby,' as if they were a couple. She didn't know, but Sonic's heartbeat started increasing by ten times.

"Alright, a salad for the hermosa señorita, and a chicken scampi for the blue guy." Sonic glared at the waiter for calling him a "blue guy."

"Mr. Parker James, why'd you speak in Spanish when this is an Italian restaurant?" Amy innocently asked. The waiter froze and and his eyes were the size of plates.

"I...uh, don't know how to speak Italian, Señorita Rose. But I speak Spanish wonderfully, and can get any girl flustered."

"Well, I could get my gorgeous Ames flustered within one second!" Sonic hollered, showing a bit of jealousy. Amy was his, and only his! He kissed Amy's cheek, and sat back down. Amy's face went bright red, as she covered her cheeks and giggled.

"Oh Sonikku~" she burst into even more fits of giggles, and gave Sonic's hand a flirty stroke.

"Oh! I should set the mood!" Parker James ran off and returned with an accordian player and a singer. He lit the candles that were placed at their table earlier, and put a plate of spaghetti between them.

"Uh, this isn't what we ordered-"

"Just enjoy the moment, Sonic." She interrupted Sonic's complaint, and he obeyed, kind of fazed by Amy's tone. She seemed to relax, and Sonic looked into her eyes. They were a jade color that stood out from her hot-pink fur. Amy was looking into his deep pools of emerald, so chasmic she could drown in the love his eyes were showing. She found herself leaning in, Sonic unknowingly copied, next thing they knew, Amy launched her lips right onto his. Sonic released the same passion that she was giving him. Back at headquarters, everyone was screaming, "I KNEW IT!!!!!" so loud that Sonic and Amy got rid of the earpieces.

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