Character information

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Name: Aliyah Beifong

Age: 14 years old

Appearance: She has mid-length black hair and tan skin. She has ruby eyes and a few freckles. She is little shorter than Kai.

Bending: Earth & metal bending

Personality: She is extremely stubborn and overprotective of her family, especially her cousin, Opal. If you get to know her well enough she loves spending time with animals, jokes, and sweets. Basically a Kuudere.

Family Summary: Just like Toph she learned from badger-moles, however she is not blind. This went one until the age of 3 years old, until Lin found her. Lin tried her best to mother Aliyah, even if she makes mistakes. Grew up with Opal and Jinora


Authors note: I've decided to make Aliyah, Kai, and Jinora 14, just for the sake of the story and timing. They're the only ones with changes to their age

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