Chapter 1

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I woke up, turning off my alarm. 7am. Not particularly early, but still too early. I rolled out of bed and stumbled to the kitchen, still in my pyjamas. After a quick breakfast, I went and had a shower, remembering how hot it would be today. Even after all this time, the heat of the LA summer still shocked me. I put on a simple, lightweight outfit and picked up my phone to see multiple texts from Beccy. We moved to LA around the same time and were introduced by a mutual friend, have been best friends ever since.
The messages read,
"Good morninggggggg"
"I'm so excited!"
"I actually get to take you to see your first starkid show!"
I laughed to myself and wrote back quickly,
"It's your first time seeing one too!"
She replied with a row of only upper-case E's
"You still on for meeting up in an hour?" I asked.
"Of course! See you soon!"
"See you soon" I smiled, today would be amazing.
I checked social media, nothing out of the ordinary. *Insert next starkid musical here* was coming up everywhere and... Yes! They would be stage-dooring! Ha! Of course they would, it's the premiere, after all!

-1 hour later-

As I pulled up to Starbucks (who, disclaimer, I do not support however it's a big chain that everyone will know and is easy to use/ talk about so I will be using it. Please tell me if it means a lot to you that I don't and I will change it!), I could see Beccy was already waiting by the door. She had an iced-coffee in her hand, she had ordered without me! As I got out of my car, she looked up from her phone and waved at me. Well as best as she could with her phone in her hand.
"Where's my one?" I asked, semi-jokingly.
"Sh*t, sorry" she smiled and rolled her eyes, "I would go order you one now buttt, you're already here"
Stepping aside, she raised her arm, guiding me inside.
I laughed, "Ok, but you're coming with me!"
"Big baby" she muttered, smiling as she followed me inside.
The rest of the morning we just strolled around, browsing in shops, taking about seeing the show later. Lunch was nice but after that we went back to more of the same, browsing and walking, browsing and walking.
"Hey, it's gone 6" I said, glancing over at Beccy.
She smiled and said, "ok, race you to the car!"
We sprinted back to where I had parked, "Yes!" She exclaimed, reaching the car mere moments before me. I let her in and we drove to the theatre, both buzzing with excitement.

-After the show-

"Wow that was so amazing!" I said
Beccy laughed and stood up, pulling me with her. "Well, now we have to go to the stage-door!" She said, beginning to walk outside. We got there just as the door opened. Nick stepped out, "hey guys, unfortunately a few members of the cast are ill and therefore will not be coming out!" A disappointed groan came from the crowd around me, "This applies to Corey Dorris, Angela Girratana and Robert Manion. Any fanmail or gifts for them can be given to me and I will make sure to pass it on.
We apologise if you were looking forward to seeing them however this is for everyone's safety. Everyone else will be coming out shortly!"
Nick finished and stepped back through the door he had come from.
Beccy looked at me "oh well... At least we get to meet everyone else though!"
"Yeah" I said, smiling weakly. I had really been looking forward to meeting Robert. He's so talented and, in all honesty, kinda cute.
"Hey, I have some fanmail for the guys not coming out so I'm going to go write a note that can go with it. Make sure to tell everyone I'll be right back!" Beccy said. Turning to leave, she whispered "Especially Mariah!"
I rolled my eyes, laughing, "sure Bec, sure." I saw her walk over to the wall where she started writing a note but I was soon distracted by the door opening as the cast came out. I walked round, getting autographs, pictures and hugs from everyone. They were so sweet!
After I had spoken to as many people as I could, I looked around to try and find Beccy. At first, I couldn't see her, but then I spotted her handing something to Nick. They seemed to be having a nice conversation, so I hung back and waited for her to finish.
After a minute or so, they broke away from eachother, Nick taking her fanmail inside with him. She looked around until she caught my eye and walked over. "You ready to go?" I asked her.
"Yup" she replied and we began to walk away.
"I didn't know you planned to give fanmail, what was it?"
"Just a couple drawings and such. Nothing special." She replied, her eyes straight ahead.
"Ok.." whatever it had been, she clearly didn't want to talk about it. "The show was amazing, wasn't it!" I said, trying to lighten the mood.
"Oh, it was!" She grinned at me and we talked about that until we reached the car. The rest of the journey back was pretty quiet, I was almost relieved when Beccy got out when we reached her place. It had been a long day, I just wanted to sleep.

-1 week later-

As I stepped through the front door, I felt my phone buzz in my pocket. I opened it to find a message from an unknown number, which read:

'hello, is this [FN]?'

That was strange, but I mean, it was me.

'Yes it is. And who might this be?'
I asked, cautiously.

They replied incredibly quickly,

'Oh yes sorry, I should of introduced myself. This is Robert Manion, from team starkid.'

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