chapter 12

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-Sunday morning-

I woke up, my alarm beeping noisily. I turned it off, yawning. Today was the day of the funeral. I heaved myself out of bed and into the shower, standing in the warm water for too long to the point that the water began to turn cold. After slowly getting ready I checked my phone. It was 10.30, which meant I had an hour until I had to leave. I had 2 messages from Robert, which read:
'Morning, how are you?'
'stupid question, sorry. You still ok with me coming?'

I smiled, 'not a stupid question. I'm ok ig. And yeah, of course I'm ok with you coming. I want you to come. You coming round soon?'

He replied quickly, 'yeah, I'll be round in 10. Love you'

'I love you too'

~time skip, when Robert arrives~

I heard a knock on the door and ran to open it. Robert stood in a black tux that looked like it had been made to be his. I smiled sadly, looking up at him with my eyes glazed over with tears which refused to fall. He pulled me into a hug, drawing circles on my back, "hey."
I smiled properly this time, giggling slightly, "hey."
He pulled away from me, "you look amazing."
"Thanks", I sighed.
"How long until we need to leave?"
"About 45 minutes I think" I replied, "do you want to have a coffee? Or anything, it doesn't have to be coffee. Sorry I-"
He cut me off, "Coffee sounds great, and you don't need to be sorry." He kissed my cheek, smiling.
"Ok, coffee it is" I turned around and walked into the kitchen, hearing Robert close the door then follow me in.
I got out mugs and proceeded to make coffee for us both. An awkward silence hung in the air as neither of us spoke.
"So.." Robert sighed as I placed his mug infront of him.
"You ok?" I asked him.
"What? Me? Oh yeah I'm fine." He said seeming to tense up.
"No you're not, do you want to talk about it?"
"Not right now."
I nodded, "Ok, well whenever, if ever, you want to talk about it, you can talk to me. You know that right?"
"Yeah I know" he looked down, staring into his coffee for a second, then back up at me, "I'm sorry I'm being unfair, I- ugh I don't know how to put this but I've not been to a funeral in a while and I don't know what to do and I don't know how to make you feel any better or if I can even do that and I just feel uninvited and that I'm not meant to be coming. I'm sorry, it's dumb."
"No, Rob no, I get it. It's weird. It's never not weird. It's sad, that I'll never get to talk to her and never see her smile again. But that's what it is, and I want you with me when we're there. So whatever you think, whatever sh*t your mind is telling you, it's not true. I asked you to come."
"I know. Thank you."
"That's ok baby"
He sniggered, which in turn made me smile,
"Shut up and drink your coffee" I said, stifling a laugh.

-in the car-

"You sure you ok driving the whole way there?" I asked.
"Yes" Robert replied, smiling.
"It's a long way, and I don't want you to have to chauffer me around everywhere."
"Don't worry about it" his smile was growing wider.
"I can drive you know"
He started laughing.
"WHaT?" I asked, "Stop lAUghing at mE"
This just made him laugh even more.
"Ok ok" his laugh faded and was replaced by an awfully large smile, "If you really want to, you can drive on the way back."
"Ok. And stop smiling, you're taking the "fun" in "funeral" a little too literally."
This made him burst out laughing again, until he snorted which made me start laughing as well,
"St- stoP" I got out between laughs, not that either of us did.

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