Chapter 2

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Robert Manion was texting me.
I realised how long I had been merely staring at my phone and quickly typed out a reply,

'Oh! Hi Robert! How can I help you?'

'I believe you left me some fanmail at the premiere of (insert next starkid musical here)? Sorry I wasn't there to thank you in person!'

'Actually, no i didn't leave any fanmail for you, or anyone infact. Do you mind me asking how you got my number?'

I raised myself to sit on the kitchen counter, genuinely confused and shocked at the same time.

'I received a painting of myself with a note attached from someone named [FN] and they had left their phone number incase I wanted to contact them, so I decided I would!'

A painting? From me? I hadn't painted anything for ages, not since moving to LA. And I hadn't painted Robert for even longer! Infact, I don't even have my last painting of him anymore, I gave it to Beccy as a joke. SH*T I GAVE TO BECCY, DID SHE DO THIS?

'Yeah, I didn't give any painting in for you however I think I might know what happened so I will investigate. Sorry about all of this!'

I quickly sent that to Robert, then went and texted Beccy,

'Hey, did that fanmail you gave to Nick at (insert next starkid musical here) happen to be that sh*tty painting of Robert that I gave you as a joke?'

She replied quickly,

'Why do you ask?'

Just as her message came through, so did one from Robert,

'No worries! I think I'm just as confused as you! I'll text Nick and ask him about the person who gave it to him.'

'Thank you!' I said before going back to interrogating Beccy.

'Well currently I have an extremely confused Robert Manion texting me! WTF BECCY!?'

'Oo fun!' she said, 'What's he saying?'

I shook my head in disbelief and started writing a reply as I saw Robert text me again,

'Nick thinks it was a British girl who gave it to him? He can't remember anything else but he's pretty sure she was English. Might you know her?'

I sighed, this can't be happening.

'Yes, I do know her. I know her very well. That was my best friend, Beccy. I gave her that painting of mine as a joke when I found out she also liked starkid. I'm sorry it's so bad, I made it years ago and never really liked it. Also sorry about Beccy. She can be annoying but she always means the best'

'Haha, it's totally fine! I get it! You must remember, I have to deal with Mr. Matteson himself! Also, it's a really good painting! It said in the note that it was quite old and honestly, I was shocked when Nick gave it to me!'

I smiled,

'I'm glad you think so! Especially seeing as it is now in your possession! God I'm so embarrassed!'

I decided I better text Beccy back, she must be wondering where I went!

'I'm not impressed with you!'
I said, and went back to messaging Robert, who had just replied.

'Don't be! And hey, you seem nice! Do you maybe want to get a coffee sometime?'

Was Robert Manion asking me on a date?
No, no. 'Getting coffee' doesn't always mean a date.
But, did he mean it to be?

'Didn't answer my question', I saw a message come through from Beccy. I dismissed it, smiling to myself.
I replied to Robert saying,

'But you don't even know who I am! I could be some creepy old man for all you know!'

He replied with a simple 'Ok', then my phone screen changed.

-Incoming call from Robert Manion-

I accepted the phone call and brought it to my ear, trying not to sound too nervous.
"Hello?" I said.
"Hey" a deep voice replied, with a light Australian accent, "You seem pretty legit." He said, which made me laugh.
"Only seem?" I asked.
"Only seem." It was like I could hear him smile, "Dare I ask again, do you want to get coffee sometime?"

Paint Me A Picture - Robert Manion x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now