Chapter 8

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-the next day-
Yawning, I sat up in bed. It was 10am but it was Saturday so that didn't matter. I picked up my phone and smiled when I saw I had a text from [YN]. It read,
'Good morning baby, you doing anything today?'
'Morning! Nah, I don't have any plans. Also please could you not be so God damn cute by calling me baby?'
They replied quickly, 'Actually, I think I'd prefer to keep calling you baby if you think it's cute' I could feel the smerk that went with it.
'Would you like to come over to mine this afternoon?' they asked, 'We could watch a film or something idm'
My smile grew wider, 'I'd love to!'
'Great! Just show up any time after 12, again idm'
'Okay, see you then. I probably should go and get ready now though' I plugged my phone back in, still holding it, as I sat on the edge of my bed.
'Lol ok. See you then!'
I turned my phone off and went to get ready. I loved spending time with them. When I was with them everything just seemed right. Everything was good and everything was ok and I needn't worry about anything because they were there and they were the only thing that mattered.

-time skip-

I arrived at [YN]'s apartment at about 12:30. I knocked on the door and, after a small scuttle of footsteps, [YN] opened the door, a huge smile on their face.
I giggled, "Hiya. You seem happy"
"Now that you're here"
I pulled [YN] into a hug, resting my arms around their waist, "Well I'd hope you were happy before I arrived. Otherwise I'll be very upset"
"Of course I was happy! I knew you were coming over." They smerked and kissed my cheek, then pulled away to let me inside.
They closed the door behind me,
"You said you wanted to watch a movie?" I asked.
"Yeah, if you want to!" They said.
I smiled, "Sure"
They ran and sat on the sofa, bouncing slightly.
Laughing, I walked over and sat next to them, "What do you want to watch?"
"Uhh Hercules?"
"Sounds like a plan"

-about an hour later-

*Ring ring* [YN]'s phone rang.
They picked it up looking at the contact, "Oh uh I need to answer this, sorry."
"Don't worry about it" I removed my arm from their shoulders as they got up and left the room.
I paused the film so [YN] didn't miss any and tried my hardest not to eavesdrop.
"Oh." I heard them talking, whatever it was it didn't seem good, "Ok thank you for telling me. Yes. Bye."
They came back in and just stood in the doorway.
"You ok?" I asked.
They shook their head, staring at the wall opposite to them.
"Hey what's up? Talk to me."
[YN] looked at me and broke down into tears.
"Hey, hey. It's ok" I jumped up and pulled them into a hug, "It's ok. I'm here" I didn't know what I was saying, just that I would do whatever it took to make [YN] feel better.

hey so my lunch is actually an hour earlier than i thought it was so will actually be posting at 1pm not 2pm
that's all UwU

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