chapter 13

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-arriving at the funeral-

I sighed, "I wonder who's here"
"The fact I know no one may be a slight problem.." Robert smirked, parking the car. This in turn made me giggle,
"Don't look at me like that, I'm not meant to be laughing"
"Okok" he got out the car, which I then did also.
I looked over to a group of people, gathered by the entrance. I made eye contact with Beccy who smiled and raised her eyebrows at me before glancing at Robert then going back to her conversation. I sniggered and grabbed Rob's hand, walking over to them.
"Was the one who looked at me Beccy?" I heard him whisper.
"Yes", I smiled.
"I'll have to thank her for introducing us"
I held back a laugh, squeezing his hand, "Yes, you do that."
She turned to us, "Y/N! Hey!" She hugged me, "And this is Robert? Nice to finally meet you" they shook hands.
"You too, I'm sorry about the circumstances"
"It's not you're fault, just- ugh shocking" she smiled sadly. "You know, we were meant to meet you at *insert musical they went to here*. I'm actually kind of glad we didn't" She nudged me playfully.
Rob laughed, "me too. Thank you for that by the way!"
I rolled my eyes.
"Aww are we embarrassing youuuu" Beccy snickered
"Yeahh totallyy" I replied, snarkily. "Is Philip here? I'm sure he'd love to meet Rob"
"OH yeah! I'll go grab him, one second"
"Philip?" Robert asked, confused.
"Beccy's other cousin, Tilly's little brother" I said.
"Right" he nodded.
Beccy came back over, dragging a wide-eyed Philip behind her.
"Robert this is Philip, Philip this is Robert"
"Uh- yeah hi! Nice to meet you" Philip said, gaining his composure.
"Yeah you too!"  Rob replied.
"I remember watching you in starkid when we were younger" he laughs, "Beccy was in lo-"
"NO-" Beccy cut him off, "I think we need to go inside now."
Robert giggled and we followed them inside.

Paint Me A Picture - Robert Manion x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now