chapter 7

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The evening went pretty quickly. Everyone was super nice! We watched a few films, played boardgames, overall just had a ton of fun. At about 10pm, people started to leave. When it got to 1am, it was just Nick, Jon, Rob and I who were left.
"I think I'm going to go and sleep now. Goodnight!" Nick said, getting up to leave.
Jon chimed in, saying "Uh, yeah me to. It's been great meeting you [YN]!"
"Hey, it's getting late, I should probably get going." I said to Robert, getting up.
"No, please stay." He said, grabbing my arm.
I smiled, looking down at him, "Rob, it's 1am. I need to sleep!"
"Just a bit longer. Pleeaaaassseee"
"Fine, just a bit though!" I said, shaking my head and sitting back down next to him. He cuddled up next to me and held my hand as we started watching another movie. Ugh why was he so frickin cuteeee.
What started off as minutes turned into half an hour turned into hours and before I knew it we had fallen asleep.
-time skip-
I heard footsteps as I slowly came to. What? Where was I?
"Oh sh*t-" I looked up to see Jon standing in the hallway looking straight at me. Well, straight at US. Robert and I were both lying on the sofa. He was sound asleep, his arm resting on my hip.
"Good morning [YN].." Jon said, still mildly shocked.
"Uh good morning. What time is it?" I asked quietly, careful not to wake up Rob.
"7am" Jon said, smiling at me, "I thought you were going to be gone by now"
I yawned, "So did I."
Jon walked into the kitchen, I assumed to make breakfast.
I decided it was probably best to wake Robert up now, seeing as if I tried to move I would anyway. "Hey Rob, good morning" I said, gently brushing his hair out of his face.
"Hm?" Rob's eyes flickered open, "Oh hey [YN], did I fall asleep?"
"Um yeah. It's 7am sweetie." I blushed as he realised the situation.
"Wow ok uh do you need to get home?"
I frowned, "Well I need to leave in half an hour if I'm going to get to work but then it's a half an hour drive home so I would be super late, umm.. I guess I'll just stay until then and go in what I'm wearing. Of course if that's ok with you"
"Oh yeah sure!" He said, "I'll get you something clean to wear, well another t-shirt anyway, and I think we have a spare toothbrush you can use. Don't worry about it, ok?" He leaned in, kissing me.
"Rob." I whispered, smiling.
"Jon's literally right behind you."
He giggled, "okay" and kissed me again, pulling me even closer.
"GET A ROOM!" Jon shouted from the kitchen.
I pulled away and we both started laughing.
"If you let me up, I'll go get you another top" Rob said, propping himself up with his elbows.
"What if I don't let you up?" I said, teasing him.
"Then you don't get a top. It's your choice"
I smiled, "ugh fine" and got up, allowing Robert to do the same.
Before I could say otherwise, he took my hand and started leading me towards his room. Once there he went straight to find a top and, once he had, handed it to me, "You'll have worn all my tops in no time if this continues" he said, smirking.
"I think there's a spare toothbrush in the bathroom, I'll go and look" he left the room as I changed my top. It's so lucky that the drink didn't go on my trousers, otherwise I don't know what I'd have done.

Paint Me A Picture - Robert Manion x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now