chapter 14

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-at the reception after the funeral-

"So uh, you good?" Robert asked, a kind of wariness in his voice.
"Yeah I'm fine, are you?"
Beccy walked over to us, "Hey we're going upstairs for the reception now. We've got food and a bar later and yeah so uh if you want to come you're welcome!"
"Cool thanks, we'll be up in a second?" I looked at Rob, asking for his approval.
"Yeah, we'll be right up!" He smiled at Beccy, who turned and walked away.
I turned back to Robert, "come with me"
"What? Where?" He replied.
"Just follow me."
We went outside and over to the car, I opened the door.
"Are we leaving?" He asked, confused.
"No, hold on" I reached inside and pulled something out, closing the door behind me.
"What is itttt tell meeeee" Robert looked at me with puppy eyes, begging to know what it was I was holding.
"Fine" I opened my hand and showed a silver locket, "This was the only thing I have from Tilly"
"oh" he replied looking at it in my hand, "it's beautiful"
I smiled, taking his hand and putting the locket in it, "thank you"
Even more confused now, "why have u given it to me?"
"Open it." I said, my smile growing bigger.
He did as I had said, and slowly opened it, "it's me?"
"Yes. It's you and Tilly. You met her. Years ago. I-" I choked on my words, starting to get emotional, "I remembered the other day, I realised you had to come. She wasn't some huge superfan like me or like Beccy. No, she just came with Beccy to her first show and I thought you'd want to know you met her."
"I don't- know what to say" Robert looked to the locket then back to me, his eyes glazed over with tears.
"Oh don't you f*cking cry, you'll make me cry" I hugged him, feeling his laugh.
"Thank you." He said, still in the embrace.
Not knowing how to reply, I simply hugged him tighter.
"I guess we better go inside?" I said, after a minute or two.
He brushed a piece of my hair back and kissed my forehead, placing the locket back in my hands.
"Wait, what are you doing? It's yours" I said, holding the locket back out to him.
"What? No!" He looked confused again.
"I wore this for ages because I wanted good luck. Good luck to meet you. And what the f*ck dude I had good luck!" He giggled, "Not only did I meet you, you asked me out like- " I said something that could only be described as a key smash.
"You know, one of the first messages I sent after you asked if I wanted to get coffee was to Tilly. I just said 'thank you for the good luck, I think if worked' and you know what? She knew what I meant. And that was the last thing I sent to her. So for the love of God take it"
He was tearing up again. I sighed and put it around his neck, tucking it under his shirt collar. "Yours"

hey sorry for not posting for such a long time!
I wrote quite a bit last night though so next chapter will be coming out next weekend and it's the last chapter!
Warning, it's quite soppy lmao
Hope you've been enjoying it!!!

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