chapter 5

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We walked inside of the apartment, hand in hand. Jon was sat, concentrated on the TV and Nick was preparing something in the kitchen.
"Hey guys, I'd like to introduce you to [YN]!" Robert had the biggest smile on his face as he said my name, God he was so cute.
Both Jon and Nick turned around,
"Hey!" Jon said, walking over and shaking my hand.
Nick quickly finished what he was doing and came over, also greeting me.
"It's so nice to meet you both properly!" I began, "I saw you briefly at the premiere of [insert next starkid musical here] but I'm sure you don't remember me!" I giggled nervously and Rob squeezed my hand. I had forgotten that he hadn't let go. It made me feel.. , I don't know. Happy. Safe. Reassuring that he was with me. It was one of the best feelings in the world.
"Oh yeah, I totally remember you! Of course I do, but I remember your friend more! Rob told us about what happened." Nick smiled at me.
I blushed and looked down, "She's an idiot. I'm sorry." Had Robert told them everything? Did they know we had kissed? Did they know we were official? No, they couldn't know that. That just happened. Anyway, he still hadn't let go of my hand. They must know that something's going on.
"She seemed nice, as do you!" He said, clearly noticing my shyness.
"Hey can I go and play my game again? You can join if you like." Jon said, smiling awkwardly.
Robert laughed, "yes, you may Jonathan." He turned to me, "do you want to play?"
"Nah, I'm not the best at console games." I said, as Jon went back over to the sofa.
"Ok. I'm going to go and get a drink, do you want anything?" He asked.
I smiled, "Yeah sure. I'll just have whatever you're having!"
"Feel free to make yourself at home!" He said before letting go of my hand and walking over to the kitchen area.
I sat down next to Jon, watching him intently play his game.
I had no idea what it was but decided I better not ask, so not to distract him. I saw Nick disappear into one of the back rooms as Robert walked over with our drinks.
"I hope this is ok" he said, passing me a cup of lemonade.
I smiled, "thank yo-"
Just as I took my drink, Jon jumped from a something in his game. As he did, he knocked my arm, causing some of the drink to go down my top. "SH*T SORRY" he said, stopping his game.
I laughed, looking down at my damp shirt "It's fine, don't worry about it!"
"It's not fine. I'm so sorry [YN], I have really made the perfect first impression haven't I."
"You're fine Jon!" I said, putting my cup down on the floor as I assessed the situation.
"Come on, I'll find you something to wear" Robert said, putting out his hand for me to take.
I stood up, "thanks" I took his hand as we started walking to one of the rooms near where Nick went. I turned back and saw Jon looking awkwardly at the floor.
We went into Robert's room where he started looking for a top for me to wear. "No." I said.
"What?" He turned and looked back at me, confused.
"No." I said again, pointing to a painting hung up on his wall. MY painting hung up on his wall.
He giggled, "but I really like it!" And went back to looking for a top.
"Hmph" I perched on the edge of his bed and crossed my arms, "I don't like it."
"Tough luck" he said, chucking a t-shirt at me.
"Hey! That's mean!" I said, laughing and picking it up.
I took off my wet top and put on Rob's clean one. "That's much better, thank you!" I said, standing up. The top was way too big for me but actually didn't look too bad. I turned to Rob who was looking at the floor, blushing heavily. "Aww has nobody ever taken their top off infront of Robby before?" I said, teasing him. "You haven't." He mumbled. I giggled, starting to blush myself, "Well now I have". "Hey! That's mean!" I said, laughing and picking it up.
I took off my wet top and put on Rob's clean one. "That's much better, thank you!" I said, standing up. The top was way too big for me but actually didn't look too bad. I turned to Rob who was looking at the floor, blushing heavily. "Aww has nobody ever taken their top off infront of Robby before?" I said, teasing him. "You haven't." He mumbled. I giggled, starting to blush myself, "Well now I have".

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