Chapter 2: Initiation

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I stand there, tuned out of Ozpin's speech. All I needed to know was that we're going to some cliff side for initiation, and we'll be sleeping in the ballroom. Everyone shifts over to the ballroom, and I take a seat on the window sill, looking out. I'm the last surviver on my team, other than Jun. Wonder what he's doing. Reach has surely been glassed by now, nothing more than a distant memory. I look over to my right to see a bunch of boys flexing, and another in bunny pajamas scoffing at them. I two, scoff. I continue looking out, but a hand taps my shoulder. I turn around and see a girl with bright red hair and emerald eyes. She's wearing spartan armor, the kind the ancient warriors wore. 

"Something you need?" 

"Nothing. You just... seemed lonely." She crossed her arms behind her back nervously. Seems nice enough. 

"That's the way it is." 

"It's a sad way to live." She takes a seat at my feet. "From what the girls over there say, you've never taken off your helmet in front of them." 

"They're right." 

"Why? There's no reason to hide." 

"That's not it." 

"Then... never mind. What's your name?" 


"So you won't say your name either?" 

"I don't have one." 

"Well, I'm Pyrrha Nikos." 

"Nice to meet you." I look back out the window. I hear people whispering around us. 

"How is he so calm around her? She's Pyrrha!" 

"Get a load of this guy." 

"What's up with him? Calling himself 'Noble 6' and all." 

"Your already famous." Pyrrha laughed a little. 

"You're as well, if I heard that one guy right." She seemed confused. 

"You... don't know me?" 


"Well then, ignore it." She seems almost excited that I didn't know her. I sigh and pull my magnum and start twirling it. I unload the mag and look at the bullets, putting it back in after I'm satisfied. I put back on my hip and look back out the window. Pyrrha leaves after she realized I'm not talking anymore. I look over everyone and see a boy with black hair and a very energetic girl hanging out with him. I chuckle and look back out. I feel myself start drifting, so I don't resist and fall asleep. 

I wake up and see the sun is just coming up, so I stand up and walk out to the courtyard. I need to find a way to refill my ammunition. They should have bullets of the same caliber, but I'll have to actually buy them. I can get a job, but who would hire someone who doesn't even have a name? I put the thoughts of that out of my head and I walk over to the cliff's edge. I'm one of the first there, the others being the boy and girl I saw last night. I see a bunch of pads on the ridge. One more person comes and stands next to me, this time a blonde boy. 

"Wow, get a load of them!" He said nervously. He clearly was trying to impress me. 

"What do you want?" I ask, taking the AR off my back. 

"Oh! Right! I was just wondering if you wanted to be partners... cause, you know, you have to have one." He said this and I noticed Pyrrha, who just arrived, was looking a little jealous. "My names Jaune Ark, by the way." 

"I'm more of a lone wolf. Anyway, she told me she wanted to be partners with you." I lie. Pyrrha grows a blush and quickly looked down, grabbing the pad on the other side of me. I chuckle and soon everyone arrives. Ozpin explains what's going on and what we have to do, and I comes down to 'find relic and run.' The partners are the first ones we see. I cock my rifle and I'm the first one launched. I go soaring through the air, and I brace for landing. I land and create a sizable crater. I stand up as my damaged shields quickly regenerate. I start walking to the location I marked on my hud. I hear a deep growl in the forest, so I raise my rifle and start looking around. Soon more growls surround me and a bunch of creatures that look like wolves pounce. Must be the Grimm I've read about. I punch straight through the first one, killing it instantly. I replace the assault rifle with MES, decapitating another. One bites down on my arm, so I shake it off, throwing into a tree, which breaks its back. It dies. The remaining two start backing off, their ears down. I pull my magnum and shoot the two in their heads, killing them. I twirl my magnum and put it on my leg again, slipping MES back onto my shoulder. These are pretty much as good as grunts... maybe jackals, at best. I continue walking to the objective. I find the marker, and it's just some ruin. A bunch of chess pieces line the place, so I pick the black knight. I walk off and reach the location that we're meeting the teachers. I'm the first one there. 

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