Chapter 25: The Bastards

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We're walking out of the warehouse, and Carter holds his hand up, signaling us to stop. We all raise our guns and shut up. Then I hear... whimpering? Not like a dog that was left outside, but a person, maybe? We slowly walk to the sound, and we reach a wooden crate, loosely closed. I laugh a bit. 

"Permission to search the premises?" I ask. Whoever the poor bastard in there tried to muffle a cry, mostly failing. Carter just sighs. 

"Granted." I put the DMR on my back, and I throw the cover off, and step back. The person inside starts screaming, and then unloads whatever gun he had into the air, right up until the sound of in empty clip comes from the box. I walk right back to the box, and it's some Fang grunt who might as well have been sitting in his own piss. He has his eyes closed, still pulling the trigger of his pistol. I take it from his hands, throwing it to the side. He scrunched up even more, and I honestly feel bad for him. He's some short guy with wolf ears, the typical mask covering his eyes. 

"Alright, c'mon!" I grab him by the shirt, and I motion Reha to leave. He does so and I lift the guy out of the crate, and he yelps. I drag him along, and he tries resisting. "Do me a favor and stop squirming." 

"L-l-let me go!" 

"He speaks!" He punches my arm, and shakes his hand off. I throw him into the passenger seat, and he immediately tries getting out the driver's side. Jorge jabs the barrel of his gun into his face, causing him to jump back, gripping his nose. He's practically crying at this point. I take my seat, and he tries to get out his side. I aim my magnum at him, and he stops. "Please don't make me knock you out. It'll be fun, but I don't wanna break that mask." He stops, and I put my gun on my thigh. "Thank you very much." The drive is silent, pardon his whimpering. We arrive at home base, and I drag him in. It's just Cat in here, doing her work in the corner. 

"We gotta live one!" I shout. Cat just sighs. 

"Just wait for 4." She said. (Just a reminder, Carter is Noble 1, Cat 2, Jun 3, Emile 4, Jorge 5, and, well, 6 is 6)

"W-what?!" The Faunus asks, still panicked. 

"Ah, me and 3 can warm him up a bit." 

"W-wait a m-minute!" I drag him over to an open chair, and I throw him down in it. I reach into the ammo box, and I give him a massive bullet Jorge uses for his gatling gun.

"Now, if you run, 5 over there will fill you with a dozen of these." I point to Jorge. I use the ladder up to the roof, and Jun looks at me.

"What's up?" 

"Bring the sniper, we got a live one." 

"Got it, you wanna do the thing?" 

"But of course." 

"Great, it's been awhile." He stands up and we slide down the ladder. 

"Alright, we're back!" I walk over to him, and grab his shoulders. He flinched. "Let me ask you a question. Have you shot a gun before today? I mean, judging by the way you were shivering like a shittin' dog, I'd say no. Am I right?" He nods his head. "Okay, okay. I can guess you've never killed a man before than?" He nods again. "Alright, one more question. Do you like us? Be honest, I can take it." After some hesitation, he shakes his head. "Alright, got it. 3 will take you from here, alright?" I pat his shoulder and Jun walks over to him. 

"Did 6 give you a bullet?" He nods. Jun stretches out his hand, and the Faunus gives him the bullet back. Jun takes another from his shoulder, and puts that in his hand. "That, right there, is a armor piercing, .50 caliber BMG bullet. You see, a bullet would normally be made of lead encased in a thin copper jacket, you see. That is made of hardened steel encased in cupronickel. It'll go through a six inch plate of titanium like a knife through hot butter form a quarter mile away. Now..." He takes the bullet back from the poor sap, loading it into an empty clip. "Imagine what this could do to a skull." He puts it into the sniper. 

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