Chapter 20: Wanna Tango?

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How... how did no one win? I know not enough people read this to make a meaningful vote, but how did no one win?! I mean, there was 8 GIRLS TO CHOOSE FROM, AND THE NO ONE OPTION WON. I'M SO CONFUSED. 

Also, don't know why it released as untitled. I had the name, but oh well

"Shit... shit, shit, SHIT!!" Roman kept me shopping for him for so long, I'll probably be late at this point. I get a call from Yang as I'm weaving between cars and blowing lights. 

"Hey! Where the hell are you?! Dance is starting soon!" 

"Yang, I've broken at least four different traffic laws a dozen times over! I'm on my way!" 

"I... oh. Well... just get over here!" She hangs up. I put a little more gas on the petal and the engine hums louder. I drift into the bullhead ports and barely get a ride up to Beacon. I flop down on a seat, catching my breathe from the pure adrenaline. Damn... guess I'm not getting a date. Oh well, it's not like I had a choice in it. 

"Um... are you okay?" A girl asks me. I look and see a ginger, an Atlesian soldier on each side of her. 

"Ya... I'm... I'm good." I weakly throw my hand in the air. 

"Oh! Great!" Jeez, she's just a little bit weird. 

"Mr. Noble! Put me on my disk!" Gavin shouts at me in my helmet. 

"Okay okay!" I pull out the disk and Gavin's green hologram immediately appears. 

"Penny!" He shouts. He knows this girl? 

"Gavin?!" Penny suddenly stands up, running over to me. She crouches down and gets right in Gavin's face. 

"Penny! It's been ages!" 

"What are you doing here?! Why are you with the big guy?'l 

"Oh! This is Noble 6! I'm his personal AI now!" Penny jumps up. 

"Great! And Sal-u-tations!" She gives me a big salute. 

"Um... salutations?" I wave back. 

"Please, I implore you Noble, allow me to catch up with Penny for the night!" 

"Sure, I guess." I give the disk to one of the soldiers and walk off. I take a seat further down, but I can still hear the two chatting loudly, so I just tune out. I open my scroll and flick through all the mixed texts about being late for the dance, mainly from RWBY. I sigh and close it as the bullhead lands, letting me off. I run to the dance, practically sliding as I take turns. I bust through the doors and run across the dance floor. I reach the punch stand and  skid to a halt. Weiss just looks at me like I teleported in. "Oh... *pant*... hi Weiss... nice dress..." 

"Um... thank... and nice armor?" 

"I swear Weiss... I've forgotten how to use a toilet..." 

"Alright, I'm leaving before this gets weirder." She walks off, heels clicking. When was the last time she wore shoes other than heels? Ah well. I look around the room, and I see the rest of RWBY walking around or dancing. They all look really nice actually, but I- oh dear lord Jaune is in  a dress. Why? I don't know. How he got that? I don't know. Who in the right mind does that? I don't know. So what's next? A group dance? I mean, that seems so obvious it's- never mind it's about to happen. What. The. Fuck. 

"Hey! Get in on this!" Jaune shouts at me, motioning me over. Oh, fuck it. I jog over and take a spot among JNPR, and the music starts. Wait. I can't control my body. I'm not making these dance moves! I'm being controlled! HELP ME GODS!! I'M BEING CONTROLLED!! MY BODY IS BEING TAKEN OVER AND VIOLATED!! I NEED AN- oh hey the music is gone. What... what just happened to me... 

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