Chapter 28: Overpowering Force

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She dashes forward, rapier pointed out. I step aside, attempting to grab her sword, but it's already reared back, ready for another strike. I duck down and shove her off of me, and we get into another stand off. 

"So, this might be a bit difficult." And with volume 3, MUSIC SHALL BE ADDED. I got rickrolled getting this, so you better be thankful. Yeah, some guy bought an ad that's just the song. Also couldn't find an extended version. 

She dashes forward, her strikes quick and accurate. She always struck right at my joints, where the plating wasn't there. My shields always took the blows, and my aura after that. I tank through one of her strikes, stabbing her in the chest with my knife. Well, "stabbed." She was thrown back, and I open fire with my magnum, only landing a single shot in before she begins dodging. Damn, she's fast. I look up to the massive screen, and I'm currently losing. I twirl my knife in my hand, clipping my magnum to my hip again. Instead of charging, she slowly sulks into the forest. I sigh, slinging my rocket launcher onto my shoulder. I send the two rockets into the forest, the explosions fragmenting some trees, as well as starting a fire. She doesn't come out, but the moment I step to close, she dashes out like a missile, and the tip of her sword immediately shatters my shields, and her combo continues. I can't even keep track of how many times I was hit, so I get pissed off and stomp her foot, sweep her leg, and I punch her into the holo-wall that surrounds the arena. She falls down to the floor, I check the auras again, and we're both in the yellow. I take my launcher off, letting it fall to the floor. I think for a moment, mostly about her fighting style. The moment I stopped her feet, she stopped. I look to the glacier area that spawned, and I get the bright idea of just walking over there, waiting for her to engage. I see a grin grow on her face, and once it grows even more, she coats her sword in what looks like her own aura and lets out a swing, tons of needle like projectiles fly out, and I raise my arms, hoping to minimize damage, After what feels like a dozen land in my body, they all explode. I'm send a few feet back, and I see I'm one good hit from being in the red. But, whatever she did, lowered her aura enough so I could take her out with one more good punch. She looks up and notices this too, clearly shocked she could possibly be threatened in this match. She dashes across the arena, and the moment she steps on the ice, she begins to slide. I stomp the ice as she gets close, still trying to get balanced, and the massive fragments that are now sticking out of the ground trip her, and as she's in the air, I drive my knee into her stomach, throwing her high into the air. Her aura is a mere point away from being in the red. As she comes down, I just shoot her with my magnum, ending the match. I clip the magnum to my thigh, walking up to her and offering her my hand. She pushes it aside and gets up on her own, pissed. I see the look on her face as she rears her sword back, ready to stab me. I just kinda stand there, dumbfounded, but still knowing that she really couldn't do anything to my armor. She goes for it, but I don't actually feel anything. I kinda snap out of it, and she's letting out a loud huff, her rapiers already on her side. Weird. I mean, it probably was Emerald, but I guess I, or Bray, was lucky I didn't deck my opponent. 

"Well, congratulations." She said, walking off. Jeez, what stick suddenly shot up her butt? 

"Um... thanks?" I say, and she ignores me. I grab my wasted rocket launcher, walking out as Oobleck announced my victory. As I'm walking out of the arena, heading out to flying down to the fair grounds, I'm stopped. 

"And here we thought that Star's brain would be painting the arena floor." The usual, condescending voice said.

"I have a bit of self control, Cinder." I say, turning to her in possibly the ugliest outfit ever. I mean,  a bandage crop top thing? Who thinks that's even somewhat good looking? The half leather jacket doesn't help either. Anyway, I see a frustrated Emerald, staring me down. I take a step forward, and she takes two back. 

"Look, whatever you have planned, I'd stop. It'll be your brain on the floor otherwise." 

"I'm not so easily threatened, Noble." 

"And you think I am?" I size up with her, and she grins.

"I suppose not. But you will be dead soon enough. After all, what would a measly team of 7 do against what's to come?" 

"Noble team can turn Grimm into paste sleepwalking." 

"If only it were Grimm..." she laughs, and walks off. I hope to whatever gods that it isn't the Covenant fleet. If she knows, she's probably coordinating with them. I shake the probably apocalyptic thought, and I open my scroll, and I'm getting plenty of messages from my peers, Beacon friends and Noble team alike. Hell, I even have a message from Ozpin and Goodwitch. And we're in a chat now? I look at it, and I'm in one with the whole Beacon teaching staff. 

"Congratulations, Mr. 6." Ozpin said.

"That was a crude display of brute strength." Goodwitch said. She then went in depth with everything I did wrong. She does realize I weigh about a ton and speed being totally out of the question? 

"Why am I on this chat?" I just outright ask.

"You're the first solo representative in Beacon history, you're going to get special treatment." Oz makes the very fair case.

"How much am I gonna be told this?" 

"Lots." Oobleck chimes in. 

"Guess I asked." I close my scroll after replying. I fly down to the fairgrounds from the airbus, and I walk around, and a mom and dad walk up to be, catching my attention. I turn to them, and I see a kid hiding behind the dad. He had a hardcover notebook on him, which is plenty easy to recognize. As it turns out, the schools get together and sell empty notebooks made for autographs. They were pretty cheap, as we still were students giving out signatures. The main selling point, however, is getting an opportunity to potentially collect the signature of a potential future huntsman, who could become celebrities, as teenagers. The signatures could sell for millions of lien, or just make for amazing collectables. Anyway, I take my helmet off, trying to make myself a bit less intimidating. After some light urging, the kid walks forward, and with his head lowered, stretches out his arms, holding the notebook. I smile as I take it, but I realize I have no signature. I slowly flip through it, seeing if I could get some ideas from others. I even see Yang's signature in there, which has clearly been practiced. As I flip to an empty page, I see a crude drawing that he drew of me, the kind a kid his age would draw on the wall. I smile, and give my first ever autograph. It's pretty much just "N6" with the regular autograph kind of flourish. I'm about to hand the boy his book back, but I see RWBY and JNPR over at a noodle stand, so I talk. 

"Hey, you want their autographs?" I motion to the two teams, and he brightly smiles and nods aggressively. I motion him to follow, which he does reluctantly. After this single minute with this kid, I must protect him with my life. As I get close to the stand, the owner throws a credit card into the table with the might of Zeus. As it turns out, Weiss just got cut off, and I feel a weird sense of guilty pleasure. Anyway, I break the awkward situation and walk up, and I get my congratulations from everyone. I quickly stop them, motioning to the kid who is hiding behind me. They stop. 

"Wait, you have a kid?" Jaune asks. I face palm.

"Yes, I have a kid that you never knew about and he has no features that look like mine." 

"So... yes?" 

"NO!!" We all shout. He just raises his hand in defeat, and the kid shyly asks everyone for a signature, and he skips Yang, who explains she saw him when she was walking out of the bathroom. Yeah, she asked the kid to give her autograph to him. She never stops amazing me. Anyway, the display is the most wholesome thing I've ever seen, the kid quietly getting autographs from the rest of the young warriors. He runs back to his parents, who wave as they walk away. 

"I'd say you changed." Blake said, deadpan as ever.

"Pardon?" I say, putting my helmet back on.

"You were quiet and mysterious when we first met you, and now you're probably one of the most open people we know." Pyrrha explains. I walk over to her, laughing. I put my hand on my shoulder.

"Oh, Pyrrha Pyrrha Pyrrha, if you only knew the things I'm keeping from all of you." Everyone just gets uncomfortable and nervous. "Anyway, the way I changed, that's called growth. Everyone goes through it." Now everyone just doesn't know what to feel at the moment. We then all eat noodles in an awkward silence.

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