Chapter 18: Down to Business

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AN: Also known as the chapter where 6 is angst. And I'm back, bitches!

Blah blah blah... blah. That's all I get from Port. I mean, I never met anyone who could POSSIBLY talk so much! I mean, come on! He constantly compares the two of us, like he thinks he could take down a Spartan. I mean, even that jackass I trained with, could barely add, but he was strong as a horse. Like God's sick way of making up for his raw stupidity. Anyway, I'm passing the time in Ports class by... well, doing nothing. It's amazing how sitting in one spot, staring at a wall makes time feel like it's going by twice as fast. I get a notification on my helmet. It's from Reha. I check what it is. 

"We have received a message from The Fleet of Furious Vengeance." It takes all the self control I had to not shoot up from my seat. I raise my hand. 

"Ah, yes, mister 6?" 

"I have some business to attend to. The Spartan kind." 

"Well... oh, very well." She motions me to leave and I walk out, pretty much sprinting down the halls. I call Carter on coms. 

"Carter! I'm on my way!" 

"You'd better hurry, I don't know how long Cat can keep the line open and not reveal our location." 

"Rodger!" I close the com line and finally get a seat on an airbus, which caries me down to Vale. I get into the front seat of the Warthog, which I bring to school when I don't sleep in my dorm, and floor it. I get to the warehouse and slam the breaks when I pull in. 

"It seems our friend has arrived." A voice over the com relay said. Reha whispers to me. 

"It's N'thura. He's been waiting for you." 

"Gimme the mic!" I snatched it from Cat. "Listen here-" 

"No! You're going to listen! I have someone you may be interested in on board, a-" 

"Give us Summer!"

"So that's her name? I'll be shocked if she even remembers it..."

"You bastard... look, give us back Summer and I-" 

"What could you possibly threaten us with?! We are a fleet!" 

"And your just a Field Marshal with some extra privilege."

"I can't argue with you there... but I digress. I will give you Summer, so long you hand over Reha 'Sagam as well." I turn to him, unable to see any emotion over the massive Zealot helmet he wears. He nods at me. 

"Alright..." I say after some hesitation. 

"See? A simple deal." 

"But what if I went instead?" Carter grabs me and turns me around. 

"What the hell are you saying?!" I stare him dead in the eyes, though my visor blocks that sight from him. He sighs. "Why?" 

"Because they want the demon. I'll give him one." 

"That seems unfair on your part, human." 

"I know. That's why I'm demanding you leave Remnant alone as well." A short moment of silence follows. 

"Very well. I accept your terms." 

"When should we do the trade?" Carter speaks up. 

"One week from now. Enjoy your time, demon." The line cuts. Jorge walks up to me and outright decks me. 

"What the hell?!" 

"What are you thinking you damned idiot! Handing yourself to the Covenant?!" 

Remnant's Favorite Spartan (Noble 6 x RWBY)Where stories live. Discover now