Chapter 22: Rescue!

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"Uh, is that supposed to mean something to me?!" I raise my shotgun and blast the thing. 

"No! You fool!" Reha shouts at me.

"Huh? What?" I say this as the carcass explodes, and some weird spider things that look like that fungus stuff shoot out. "The hell?!" Reha turns his sword on, and slashes them as they come. I draw my pistol, and one shot takes care of each. Whatever they're made of, the fire dust ignited them like gasoline. After the swarm is taken care of, I load a new clip in and put it on my thigh again. 

"We're lucky there wasn't more." Reha said, taking a deep breath.

"Yeah, what the hell was that?"

"We don't know much, but it's a highly infectious parasite. It takes over the body of its host. But it's strange..." 


"When we had first contact with them, they were far more focused and coordinated."

"I'm not gonna complain then." We start heading out, but the door is sealed. "So, you know anything about wiring?" 

"Not really... but there should be a terminal in here." He starts walking off in a different direction while I top off the ammo in my shotgun. I put it on my back as I start looking at the boxes in the cargo bay. After some looking, I find a few of the weapon's crates. I punch it open, and it's lined with plasma rifles. I take one off the shelf and meet back up with Reha, who is tapping away on a terminal. 

"Wait, when are those grenades gonna blow?" 

"In a few seconds." 

"Wait, what?" I hear a massive explosion, and even more alarms start going off. 

"They all think we're probably dead, so they'll be avoiding this room thinking it's flooded by The Flood." 

"So we can get out of here with no resistance?" 

"Or very little. They'll be rushing to the core, so the brig should be mostly unguarded... but..." 

"Oh, great." 

"It's all the way across the ship." 

"Amazing. Think we could speed the trip up?" 

"Give me a second..." he starts thinking as he continues to tap away. "The main hanger should be right on top of us, and there's a hanger decently close to Summer. Makes prisoner transport easier." 

"Perfect. Plenty of banshees to ride?" 

"Yes." The doors finally open, and we get moving again. We take a turn and an elite is on patrol, facing the other way. I run up behind it and jump on its back, standing it in the neck. It falls dead, but Reha starts looting the body. 

"Why now?" 

"He's on patrol, he should shave a schedule." As he said this, he holds up some sort of card. "Let's get moving before the check in. Don't want to give away our location." We get moving, and reach the hanger incident free. We get to the door, and Reha speaks. "We're going into zero gravity. Is your armor pressurized?" 

"Yup. It can make its own oxygen from my breathe, so I got plenty of time." 

"Excellent. Let's move." We opens the door, and we step into an airlock. After the depressurization, the second door opens. The sense of being weightless kicks in, and then magnetic boots activated, giving me some traction. The lack of atmosphere muffled the sounds of our movement, making it easy to sneak around. We see an elite walking to a banshee, and opening the cockpit. Reha leaps over and grabs him by the head, and after landing, he snaps its neck. I throw myself over to his location, and I drift on over. I point to one of the elites on patrol, and he motions to another. After some further communication, we form a plan. He moves, so, with a decent heave, I throw myself at an elite. I make contact with its helmet, and I wrap my legs around its neck. I take the bottom of my magnum and smash the window on his helmet, cracking it. I kick off, as it claws at the visor. Soon, the cracks give way and break, the sudden change in pressure causes bits of the elite's head to come out of the hole in a bloody mess. I jump off the ground again, unsheathing my combat knife. I stick it in the floor as I get behind the second elite. I grab the elite by the face from behind and drive it into the blunt end of the knife, killing it instantly. I take it from its skull, cleaning it off and replace it in my sheathe. I pull my plasma rifle and get to work on the smaller enemies, me and Reha quickly taking out the significantly weaker enemies. I raise my fist up for a fist-bump, but Reha just looks at me, completely confused by the gesture. I sigh and lower my fist. I gesture to the banshees, and we hop in. I follow his lead, and he leads me across the ship. I take in the view of the fleet, and I can feel myself sweat a bit. It's nowhere neat the size of the fleet that invaded Reach, but we had spaceships, more Spartans, and other types if elite soldiers with us. I continue to look over the massive fleet, the feeling of outright hopelessness eats me up from inside. I focus back to Reha, who's beginning to fly closer to the ship. I follow, and he begins to turn into a hanger. We float in quickly, and make our landings. We hop out and immediately we're fired upon. We take cover behind the banshees, and we can hear some of the parts explode and being torn to shreds. 

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