Chapter 11: Plans in Action

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Emile PoV 

I'm exploring the town, sick of hanging out in that damn warehouse. Me and Carter seriously need to get some entertainment there. I have my helmet under my arm, but I'm still getting some looks. Guess that's what happens when your a foot taller than most people. I see a girl with green hair and very... uncovered smash into the owner of that dust shop when he gets down from a latter. She stand up and helps him up, but I see her swipe his wallet. I sigh and put my helmet on. I follow her, and a boy with gray hair and gray clothes meets up with her from behind a building. Some unfriendly banter is exchanged, so I get up closer. She takes the money from the wallet, and tosses it to the side. I reach my arm up, catching it. This catches the two's attention. 

"I don't believe that's your cash, kid." I say. The two look up, fear in the girl's eyes. The boy, however, is a little less smart. 

"What's it to you?" He asks, getting in between me and the girl. 

"Um... Mercury..." The girl try's to reason.

"Look, Mercury, if you don't give me the money back, I'll cut you open like a fish and use your end trails to drag the failed swimsuit model down the street." I get up in his face I I stay this. 

"All bark, no-" I cut him off by putting my kukri to his belly. 

"No bite? Willing to find out?" 

"Okay, okay! I'll give you the money back..." the girl said, handing me the cash. I take it and put it in the wallet. I start walking back to the dust shop. "Wondering how 6 is doing... probably bored out of his mind in class right now." 

AN: Think I did good making Emile a psycho?

Neptune PoV

"The people here are the coolest! No offense to you guys." Sun said as we walk to the cafeteria. 

"None taken." I say. 

"They're just in here. I'm really excited for you to meet them. So be cool, okay? You're gonna be cool, right?" 

"Dude." I give him my famous smile. Before he can say anything else, something comes flying through the window and crashes into me, taking me out. The weight gets off fast. 

"Oh, hi there." The guy who crashed into me said. He stands up and he's, well, massive. And covered head to toe in super techy looking armor. 

"Hey hey! It's Noble!" Sun said, and they pull each other in for a bro hug. I stand up and dust myself off. 

"Who's this guy?" He asks. 

"Are we going to ignore that you just came crashing through the window?" I ask.

"Yes." They both say in unison. Noble takes his helmet off and puts it under his arm. 

"Fine, fine. Anyway, names Neptune." I introduced myself, giving a mock bow. 

"Tis a great pleasure, sire." He gives a deep mock bow. He stands up and puts his helmet back on. "Just don't go in there. It's a warzone." He runs back in the window that's shattered. 

"Damn, they're cool." Sun said. "You should see the warthog. Most awesome thing ever!" He said, continuing walking. 

"Wait, what's a warthog?" 

"I'll see if we can get a joyride later." He said, and Noble comes back out. 

"On second thought, I'm staying out of that." He said, catching up with us. Sun opens the door to the cafeteria. 

"What's even going on?" I ask. 

"Food fight!" A student shouts, and we're stampeded past as the whole cafeteria evacuated. 

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