Chapter 4: A Spartan's Honor

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It's night again, and I'm using my table to disassemble and clean my AR. I'm cleaning out the barrel when I get a knock on the door. 

"It's unlocked." I say, not getting up. Ruby walks in. 

"Hi." She said, nervously. 

"Something you need?" 

"I was just wondering... who was Carter? I mean, you said I reminded you of him. You don't have to answer if it brings up bad memories. 

"No, no. Carter-A259, Noble 1. He was the leader of Noble team, my team. He was a born leader, charismatic, and he brought confidence to those under him. He had laser like focus when we fought, and nothing could compare to his tactical prowess." 

"Again, I sound nothing like him." 

"It's what you can be. Ruby, your a great person. You have the heart be someone like Carter." 


"Something else is bothering you." 

"Ya... well, I want you to do something for me." 

"Wow. That's a little out of character for you." 

"I want you to look for someone. My mom." 

"She's gone." 

"She's currently missing. If there's a chance she's alive... I need her back." She grows deathly serious. 

"I'll do what I can." 


"Yes. Who was she?" 

"Summer Rose. She looked a lot like me."

"Alright. Did Yang approve of this?" 

"I didn't tell her yet..." She looks down and let's out a nervous laugh. 

"Tell her." I continue cleaning. 

"Okay... thanks, Noble. I guess that name really fits." She laughs again. I reassembled the rifle and cocked it. She quickly leaves the room afterwards. I place it on my back, and my magnum and MES are also equipped, and walk outside, fully armed. 

??? PoV

"My Queen! Someone is here!" Tyrian shouts at me, in a panic. 

"Who could it be?" 

"I don't know! He has Hazel under his... his sword!" 

"I'll address this... intruder... myself." I stand, walking to where this intruder has Hazel hostage. We reach the hall, and Hazel is unconscious, and some creature has a jet black sword made from some energy. (Think the regular energy sword, just jet black.) He's covered in dark purple armor, with a black secondary color. Multiple blue lights show on his armor. He has three mandibles covering his mouth, also armored, except it looks like a fourth is missing on the top left.

"I've been waiting a long time now." He said in a deep voice. 

"Just what are you?" I ask him, curious. 

"Now isn't the time for such. I know this might seem strange, but I wish to join forces." 

"And you think the best way to do so is to hold someone hostage?" 

"It caught your attention, didn't it?" 

"Why do you wish to join me?" 

"The Spartan." 

"Noble 6, correct?" 

"Yes. He's an unholy creation, and I wish to eradicate him. And I know he could be a thorn in your side." 

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