Chapter 8: Carter

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"How?!" I ask Carter. 

"Same as you. Some... gods... came to me and said you needed a little help. Being dead sucks, so I decided to take his offer." 

"How long have you been here?" 

"Got here an hour before the girl was stabbed." 

"Yah... Ruby." 

"She means a lot to you." 

"First person I met when I landed here. Oh, she leads one of the teams here at Beacon." 

"So they all fight. Child soldiers."

"Not dissimilar to us." 

"Right, right. Anyway, I have no idea what's going on, so if you could explain." 

One Very, Very Long Explanation About Remnant Later

"That's a lot to digest." Carter said, laughing. 

"It's pretty crazy. And you didn't have anyone to-" 

"Hey, Noble. Ruby just woke up... if you want to see her." Yang said quietly, still reeling from what happened. 

"I'll be there in a second, Yang. Oh, this is Carter, Noble 1." I introduced him. 

"I... I thought you said..." 

"They all died? That's what I thought, at least." I say this and Carter speaks up.

"Spartans don't die. They just go missing in action." He said. "You should go. See Ruby." 

"Right. I'll be back." I turn and walk to the infirmary. Ozpin was speaking with Ruby when I walked in. 

"This Faunus with a mask just attacked us... and..." Ruby explained. What? Why isn't she explaining the elite? She was as pale as a ghost from the surgery, still laying in bed. 

"Please, I can fill in the gaps. Thank you, Ms. Rose." He walks to the exit, and right passed me. "Magic." He whispered. Right, magic is a thing. 

"Hey, Rubes. How are you feeling?" 

"Fine..." She looked off to the side. 

"I'm sorry. Sorry I couldn't help you." 

"You saved my life, stupid. I would have bled out if you hadn't rushed back." A nurse walks in after she said this. 

"Any news?" I ask. 

"Well, nothing good. With her injuries, she'll be bed ridden for a couple of days, then she has to take things slow for awhile afterwards. I'll be checking in regularly." She starts flipping through papers on her clipboard. "This is a pass for school..." she hands me a paper. "And this is a prescription that you'll need to deliver to a pharmacy, there they'll give you the right medication." She hands me another paper. "If you could move her to another bed, that would be grand." She leaves. 

"So... what next?" Ruby asks. 

"We move you." 

"Gah!" We both shout as Carter enters the room. 


"Oh... there's two of you." 

"Right. Ruby... meet my older brother, Carter." (That's always what I've seen the two as, so that's what they are in this story.) 

"And Noble 1." He mentioned. 

"Wait, this is Carter?" Ruby whispers to me. 

"Yes, this is Carter." I whisper back. 

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