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The first time I wake up, I find myself snuggled up against Mando's side, my head resting on the top part of his chest plate. One of his arms is tightly wrapped around my body, ensuring that I stayed on top of him. I don't exactly remember falling asleep like this, but if I were being honest, I didn't really mind. 

I continued to keep my eyes closed, my body too tired to pull myself into a full state of consciousness. I could tell that it was pretty late at night, so there wasn't any point in actually getting up just yet. I was going to shift around a bit, but the moment Cara talks, I divide to stay still.  

"So, how long have you two been together?" Cara asks, letting a small hum trail her words. It takes a moment for Mando to answer, but he eventually gets to it. 

"We've been working together for-"

"No. That's not what I'm talking about," she quickly interrupts. I could practically hear the smirk in her tone. And that was something that made my heart race. "I mean, how long have you guys been together."

"If you're implying-"

"Yes. I'm implying," she says, cutting him off once more. Mando pauses for a moment and the arm he had wrapped around me seemed to tense up. "Look, even though it doesn't seem like it, Mae and I have known each other for a while. I know she doesn't open up easily and the fact that she didn't wake up when you moved her around... It just really says something about your guys' connection."

"What do you mean?" Mando asks, his voice cracking through his helmet's modulator.

"When we were riding together, she had always been a light sleeper and I learned that she didn't trust easily. I'm just saying, you two act like you're together or something. And I wouldn't be surprised if you were," she continues, the smirk in her tone appearing again. It takes everything in me not to pop up and tell her to stop talking in hopes to save my reputation, but I was curious as to who their conversation would end. "So, how do you feel about her?"

There's a long pause and during the treacherous silence, I focus on Mando's slow breathing. I try to sense his heartbeat, but the beskar chest plate that was set between my face and his chest was too thick for me to truly sense anything.

"I care for her more than I'd like to admit," he mutters quietly. He pulls me up a little more so my face was resting in the crook of his neck, a part that his metal chest plate wasn't covering.  

"In what way?" she asks, but Mando doesn't answer her. "Alright, fair enough. Here's my only request though: If you do ever admit it, don't break her heart afterward. She's gone through enough pain that will last her a lifetime. So if you do, make sure you mean it."

They both fall silent, leaving the conversation at that. Mando's arm seemed to tighten around me again, making my body rest perfectly on his. And though the silence remained, I could hear something. Well, it was more like I could feel something. Through the thick cloth just above the top of Mando's chest plate, I could feel a faint thumping, growing faster and faster.
"You're hosting the asset I need."

I let out a long sigh and open my eyes, looking into the eyes of my so-called father. If that's what he wants to be called, I might as well indulge him in his request every now and then. 

"You really don't like to let me sleep peacefully, huh?" I say, shaking my head while crossing my arms. He hums and nods his head, keeping his eyes set on mine. I could tell that he was trying to figure out what he wanted to say to me, but he didn't know how to say it. 

"Where are you?"

"Wouldn't you like to know?" I tease sarcastically, flashing my brows. 

"Yes, I really would like to know," he spits back at me, not wanting to deal with my quick remarks. His temper seems to be shorter than usual. I almost found it funny. I hum and perk a brow at him, a wicked smile setting over my face. "I have bounty hunters back out searching for you and the asset, yet none of them have turned up with it, nor have they turned up with you."

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